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The Angel Network

Welcome to The Angel Network! We are a new group comprised of college students, artists, musicians, professionals and angels who want to heal others, the community and the World through love, charity, volunteer and fundraising activities. When you help make a difference in someone's life and get involved in the community you are an Angel too! We are all expressions of the Divine and are Angels! The Angel Network provides opportunities to express this true self from within our hearts. We are all here to heal, love and to help one another! Future and ongoing Projects include, scholarships for San Francisco State Students, Collect A Penny Fundraising Drive, Volunteer Programs to Heal the Community in San Francisco, Philanthropy Activities. The 1999 Angel Network Newsletter is now available and is ready to be mailed to you! It covers a wealth of information and awareness that includes Happenings, Activities, Art, Spiritual and Volunteer information, Bargain Organic and Clothing shopping guide, Poetry, Special Vegetarian Recipes and is full of spiritual knowledge and love from the Bay Area! Please check in from time to time as this site is being improved, photos and lists of upcoming events will be posted. As always your feedback and suggestions are always welcome! Many Blessings, Love, Peace, Health and Wealth!
Last Modified 7/2/99. Alright Angels lets party like it's 1999! Oh wait it is 1999! Let's make it a Spiritual Party and one for the books! Remember Angels to radiate, meditate, realize and spiritualize! Thank you for your support! We have contacted Oprah for official sponsorship and happily await her reply to our special E-mail! Much Love and Joy!

Healing and Loving Links

Our History and Goals
Spiritual Online Community
San Francisco State Holistic Health Center and Institute
Yoga Center
Art Gallery
My Graduation From San Francisco State!
