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New Noweapon Style Proficiency

Fencing (1 or 3 slots)

Fencing is a special way of fighting with a sword unlike the regular method. To fence a character must use a long sword, saber, short sword, rapier, or scimitar only; other swords are ineligible. It is also impossible to fence while using a shield larger than a buckler. In addition, the character must already have proficiency with the sword before he or she can learn fencing. There are two levels of fencing, the first level costs one non-weapon proficiency slot, and the second level costs two slots.

The first level of fencing allows the character to use his or her sword as a piercing weapon regardless of the normal usage of the sword type. It also gives him a bonus of -1 on the weapon speed.

The second level gives an additional -1 on weapon speed. Also, it allows the character to parry once per round and still attack normally. This parry is only effective against frontal or flank attacks, not rear or missile attacks. The parry can be announced at any time, but it must be announced before the to hit roll.

Fencing must be taught to the character be someone who is at least two levels higher in actual level than the character and at least equal to the fencing level that the character wants to obtain. Fencing masters are very secretive about their abilities and selective as to their students. Note that fencing proficiency is independent of the fighter's ability to specialize and the bonuses are cumulative.

© John Brant. All rights reserved!

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