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New Magical Items

Acorns of Stoning

XP Value: 600

GP Value: 3,000

These tiny little weapons are empowered by vast alteration magic. They cause anyone or anything they are thrown at and successfully hit to turn to stone as per the wizard spell flesh to stone. For purposes of throwing them, they are considered +2 weapons to all but halflings; in their tiny hands they are considered +4 weapons. Furthermore, these acorns need not hit the bare flesh of the object, thus against armored foes all AC benefits derived from the armor they were is not counted into the armor class of the being; although magical and Dexterity based bonuses still apply. Thus a man in chain mail +2 with a Dexterity of 15 would only have an AC of 7 (+1 from Dex & +2 magical bonus from the chain mail +2), as the AC 5 from the chain mail does not count against these potent magical acorns.

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