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Unique Items of the Black Unicorn


XP Value: 13,000

GP Value: 65,000

An evil rope of climbing, Zagixn is a unique psionically intelligent magical item. He has an Intelligence of 15 (speaking Common, Dragon, Drow, Elven & Orc) and an ego of 16. Otherwise, Zagixn has the following statistics:

Zagixn: AC 6; MV 30; HD 2; hp 16; THAC0 18; #AT 1; Dmg 1d6 (3 consecutive rounds kills victim); SA strangulation (no magical bonuses apply to this attack), psionic abilities of adrenalin control, cell adjustment, contact, metamorphosis, mindlink, synaptic static (171 PSPs), locate object 120' radius, detect magic 10' radius, detect precious metals (kind & amount) 20' radius; SD immune to all falling/crushing damage; SW -2 to saves vs. fire-based attacks; SZ L (60' long); ML (16); AL CE; XP 13,000.

Zagixn sometimes attempts to trip or otherwise screw up the life and actions of it's owner, Tannus Blade. In a recent adventure aboard the Demonwing (A Paladin In Hell), Zagixn entangled Tannus with a guardian gorristro's arm while simultaneously strangling him. Tannus was not pleased and cut his evil rope into submission. After this he cut it further and threw it away, but the determined Zagixn slithered back into his equipment!

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