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Unique Items of the Black Unicorn

Winter's Seed

XP Value: 4,000

GP Value: 20,000

This magical 6"-long crystal shard is roughly an inch in diameter. It glows with dim blue light and radiates evil if detected for. It is cold to the touch, and any non-evil being touching it suffers 2d4 points of cold damage per round in contact with the shard.
Winter's seed allow its possessor to cast the following spells each once per day at 12th-level of ability: chill metal, wall of ice, and control weather. In addition, once per week (ten day period), the possessor can summon a Chraal from the Paraelemental Plane of Ice (detailed below), but doing so causes a temporary loss of 1d4 points of Constitution; these points recover at a rate of 1 per day unless restored in a more timely fashion (like a restoration spell). The chraal serves its summoner for 1d4+3 days before returning to its home plane. Only one chraal can be summoned at a time.
Winter's seed also functions as a ring of protection +2 when worn or held. The +2 bonus applies to the wearer's Armor Class and saving throws vs. cold-based attacks only.
Finally, whoever possesses winter's seed has the power to control cold-based creatures as per the charm monster spell. Such creatures must have an Intelligence less than the possessor and are entitled to a saving throw to resist the charm. Like any charm spell, these creatures are favorably disposed toward the possessor, but they do not heed foolish or obviously suicidal commands. Commands that act against its nature allow it to make another saving throw, with a +2 bonus. Destroying the crystal undoes the charm and sets these creatures free.

Chraal: AC 2; MV 15; HD 8+8; THAC0 11; #AT 2; Dmg 2d6/2d6; SA breathe cone of cold 1/turn for 8d4+8 points of damage (save vs. breath weapon for ½ damage); SD immune to normal and magical cold; SW suffers double damage from magical fire-based attacks; SZ L; ML 18; INT average (9); AL NE; XP 4,000.

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