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Unique Items of The Myth

Wizard's Lamp

XP Value: 3,500

GP Value: 16,500

A very common item among wizards. The lamp automatically hovers above the ground at the height of the caster's head. If the caster is more than 120 feet away, the lamp haovers at 5 feet. The lamp is a sphere of glass resembling a cyrstal ball, about the size of a human head. It responds to the following commands:

  • Light: Light equal to a large candle.
  • Lighter: Grows several degrees lighter. Maximum is the light of broad daylight on a cloudless day.
  • Dimmer: Grows dimmer. Minimum in a faint sliver of light barely noticed.
  • Dark: Light goes out.
  • Go: Lamp moves in the direction the wizard points until told to "Stop". Maximum 120 feet away from the caster. Movement rate 3.
  • Stop: The lamp stops were it is.
  • Back: The lamp returns to the wizard.
    The lamp is especially convenient for reading, memorizing, and researching (all the things wizards need to do).

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