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Blessed Items of In'Zathovinyn

Runic Severys

XP Value: 33,333 GP Value: 166,665.

Currently a short sword +7, this sword is made from the purest ivory. It bears a +1 magical bonus for every spell of each different spell level stored within it. This magical bonus also serves to better the wielder’s Armor Class and saving throws!

These stored spells remain "cast" permanently, until the caster reabsorbs them into her person. This process takes one round for every spell level imbued into the weapon; for the purposes of adding or removing spell energy.

The sword currently bears one spell of every level from In'Zathovinyn’s priest spells, 1st- through 7th-level spells. The sword., therefore, bears a spell symbol for each spell stored within it in the form of a finely displayed onyx inlay. The spells currently held within the blade are: moon rune, hold person, continual light, dimensional folding, dispel evil, physical mirror, blade barrier, and regenerate.

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