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Arcane Items of the Blademaster

Phoenix’s Bracers of Haste

XP Value: 5,000 GP Value: 27,500

These potent items appear as adamantine armguards, chased in electrum that bear three gacholoth (a type of infiltrating assassin yugoloth) claws spaced equally apart lengthwise reaching from the elbow-most area of the bracers to the pointed ends of the talons being near the wearer’s wrists. Of these monstrous talons, Phoenix claimed them from an arm and leg she took from the beast as if fled back to its home plane. They were made by a nameless elven necromancer of great power for and with the help of Lady Phoenix of the FORGOTTEN REALMS setting.

These magical bracers grant the wearer haste (as the 3rd-level wizard spell) for an unlimited duration, once the wearer clangs the bracers together and wills them to function. The wearer immediately ages after the use of the bracers of haste an amount equal to one year per turn they were functioning upon the wearer (with a minimum of 1 year being lost regardless if the user only uses the haste power for one round or the full ten rounds of a turn).

These bracers were once Phoenix’s pride and joy. But since some deceitful trickery using a wish (as the 9th-level wizard spell) by Arik Tenderfoot, they have changed hands and now reside upon his more muscular forearms; with her magically forgetting about the false transaction. Phoenix has since regained full knowledge of the events, from a more skillfully worded wish by Lord Piper.

Lady Phoenix has since allowed him to keep the powerful items, but if he ever uses them for evil purposes, she will be more than happy to remove his arms and reclaim them. Otherwise, Arik has been trotting on the alignment lines by not doing the right thing and apologizing and giving back the stolen items. But only time will tell…

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