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New Magical Items

Lords Scale

XP Value: 15,000

GP Value: 75,000

This horseman's mace is made from the body of a rock lord and adamantine. Being created from a rock lord grants a bludgeoning weapon a non-magical +1 to hit and +3 to damage; this combined with it being a horseman’s mace +5 totals the Lords Scale at +6 to hit with a +8 damage bonus. Despite its enormous pluses to hit and damage the Lords Scale is still only considered a +5 weapon, but receives +7 on all of its saving throws. It saves as metal or rock, whichever saving throw is better.
This incredible weapon also ignores all non-magical armor bonuses. For example, a man in plate mail +3 would only get the magical +3 off his Armor Class the rest is negated by the Lords Scale. In addition to the above effects, on a natural roll of 20 the being struck by the mace must save vs. Spell at -4 or be turned to stone (as per flesh to stone).

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