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Copyright Laurie Lea Payne

All works shown are property of their respective artists or writers.

The pictures found at this site have been provided by the contributing artists who generously gave me permission to show them.

Copyright and all rights therein are maintained by the artists, notwithstanding that they have offered their works here electronically. It is understood that persons copying this information will adhere to the terms and constraints invoked by each author's copyright. These works may not be reposted without the explicit permission of the copyright holder.

However, this does not mean that ordinary copyright concepts have ceased to apply - there is still someone who has the copyright to the work. Note, that this site itself is not the copyright holder; it only benefits from a "permission to publish". Instead, it is either the original author(s) or a conventional publisher who is the copyright holder. Please respect their rights, and abide by the following natural rules.

No rights or permissions are granted for display of these works on other web sites, webchats or in other forms. Please contact Laurie Lea Payne ( for details on using his or her works.

Please don't mail any of the people associated with this site regarding permissions to use copyrighted pictures at The Heroes' & Villains' Lorebook, they cannot give you these permissions - only the artist or writer (copyright holder) can. Finally, please, read the legal information for more copyright details.

[Reilines's Intro Page] [Bestiary] [Classes] [Fallen Ones] [The Golden Enclave] [Heroes Lorebook II] [Heroes & Villains Lorebook] [Kits] [New Proficiencies] [New Races] [Poems & Short Stories] [SPELLSPHERE] [Villains Lorebook II]