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Arcane Items of the Blade Master

Leg Band of the Elements

XP Value: 23,000 GP Value: 115,000

This magical leg band has 4 separate pouches each attuned to a particular elemental plane (Air, Earth, Fire & Water). In each of these pouches can be stored anything that can survive in that particular elemental plane. Each pouch can contain up to 10 pounds worth of substances, much like that of a bag of holding (although it has no problem going into a portable hole and the like, nothing bad happens should this occur); and a maximum amount of each of the four elements can also be withdrawn from the pouch of each particular element in any 1 turn period.
Thus items of food could even be cooked by placing them in the pouch of elemental Fire, while cool pure water could be gathered from the sides of the pouch of elemental Water as it cascades down the sides as miniature waterfalls. Clean, fresh air is always nearby with the pouch of elemental Air open, and perfectly good soil can be scraped away from the inside of the pouch of elemental Earth.

Furthermore, like a blending of each of the four types of rings of elemental command, this item bears all of the abilities of each of the four rings of elemental command, except that it only has the following usable abilities of the four elements for the wearer to use (only three spell-like powers from each ring):
Only one power from each of the four elements of the leg band of the elements can be in use at any given time. (Thus a wearer can simultaneously be using a power from Air, Earth, Fire & Water, but never two of the same elemental type.) In addition to the powers described above, the leg band gives characters the following abilities:


  • Fly
  • Gust of wind (once per round)
  • Wall of force (once per day)


  • Feather fall
  • Passwall (twice per day)
  • Wall of stone (once per day)


  • Fire resistance (as a ring of fire resistance)
  • Flame strike (twice per day)
  • Wall of fire (once per day)


  • Create water (once per day)
  • Wall of ice (once per day)
  • Water breathing (5’ radius)

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