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Unique Items of the Looters

The Infinity Wand

XP Value: 15,000

GP Value: 50,000

This artifact is three separate magical items fused together. It is comprised of the gem of souls, the rod of gods and the stone of life.

  • The Gem of Souls: This magical item appears as a large, faceted green gemstone. The 1 inch diameter gem resembles an emerald, but the color and consistency are different. The gem is set in a platinum fitting with two small mithral studs set on the one side. The stone itself glows faintly and feels warm to the touch.
    The Gem of Souls acts as a gem of seeing. Furthermore, if the gem is touched to a living being within 1 round after death has occurred, the being's life force is drawn into the gem and safely contained until the gem is touched to another living being or creature, at which point the life force can enter and occupy the host body provided the being touched fails a saving throw vs. wand. The effect is similar to a magic jar spell, with the displaced life force moving into the gem until the gem is touched to another living being. Regardless of whether the saving throw is successful, the spirit transfer power can be used only once/week.
    XP Value: 5,000
    GP Value: 10,000

  • The Wand of Stars (Rod of Gods): This platinum wand measures 12 inches long and one-half inch in diameter. One end of the shaft is fitted with two mithral prongs. The opposite end of the wand has a small, cupped indentation.
    The wand possesses the powers of a ring of shooting stars with an unlimited number of charges. However, the wand does not function in daylight. Direct sunlight touching any part of the wand renders it inert.
    The wand is activated by pointing it and willing whichever effect the user desires. However, this is not communicated to the wielder when the wand is first grasped; identify, divination, and legend lore spells may be used to learn the wand's powers and the means by which they are activated.
    XP Value: 5,000
    GP Value: 15,000

  • The Stone of Life: This magical item appears to be a simple platinum bead one inch in diameter without ornamentation.
    This stone enables the user to caster resurrection once/week on a single target. The usede simply holds the stone in one hand and touches the slain being to be resurrected with the other. The power is not without cost, however, and each use drains 1 point of Constitution from whoever commands the stone. The lost Constitution point can be restored only by a restoration or a wish spell.
    Unlike the Gem of Souls and the Wand of Stars, the Stone of Life does not radiate magic.
    XP Value: 5,000
    GP Value: 20,000

    The Wand Assembled
    The platinum prongs on the Wnd of Stars are designed to hold the Gem of Souls in place. The Stone of Life fits into the cupped indentation at the other end of the Wand of Stars.
    Once all three pieces of the artifact are rejoined, they fuse into a single item of tremendous power. The gem at the wand's tip continues to act as a gem of seeing. The wand has all the powers of a ring of shooting stars and can resurrect once/week by touch without any Constitution loss to the wielder. The wand can also be wielded in combat, striking as a +3 magical weapon and inflicting 1d6+3 points of damage to size T, S, or M targets and 1d4+3 points of damage to size L, H, or G targets. (The wand's speed factor is 1.) If the wand strikes the killing blow against an opponent, the victim must make a saving throw vs. wands (at a -4 penalty) or have its soul sucked into the gem, where it remains trapped until the wand's tip touches another creature (the effects of which are detailed under "The Gem of Souls" description above).
    The fully assembled Infinity Wand operates as well in daylight as it does at night.
    In addition to the above powers, the fully assembled Infinity Wand gains the following powers: protection from normal missiles (always active; protects wielder only), color spray (5/day), monster summoning (1/week; the wielder may choose any monster summoning spells up to monster summoning VI), teleport without error (1/week), and plane shift (1/week).
    Anyone who uses (or tries to use) the assembled wand is struck with a minor curse, suffering a noncumulative -2 penalty to all saving throws vs. spell, rod, staff, or wand. A remove curse spell dispels the curse until the wand is again employed.

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