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New Elven Weapon Proficiency

High Bow (1-4 slots)

This distinctly elven proficiency is gained only by the surface elves; and even among them, only the elven bow masters choose to master the high technics of this style.

This unique elven proficiency grants two major abilities on its practitioners. These abilities are as follows:

Low Technics: After devoting 1 slot in this proficiency, the elf gains a +1 to hit in all range categories with his chosen bow (1 type only). This is further raised to +2 to hit in all range categories with a second slot devoted to the style.

High Technics: With a third slot devoted to this style the elf gains the above +2 to hit in all range categories, and in addition, every time the elf strikes an opponent by 5 or more than he needs to hit the foe with his chosen bow type, he causes double damage with his arrow. The enemy gains a saving throw vs. Death to avoid this increased damage. If the elf devotes the final slot to this style, he causes double damage with every arrow that strikes its target by 5 or more, with no saving throw allowed.

© John Brant. All rights reserved!

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