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Unique Items of the Shamed One

Ear Ring of Vengeance

XP Value: 800 GP Value: 4,200.

This unique magical ear ring is made from the finest gold and inscribed with invisible runes of mithral; it allows its wearer to cause triple damage for the entire round in which it is activated once per day.

The ear ring was gifted to a great assassin in Myth Drannor, in order to better destroy Coronal Eltargrim Irithyl. Said to be created by the Starym family that left the city and sent back a splinter faction to upset the races being together in the elven woods years prior to its unheard of destruction. Its power is great for battle, even more so in the hands of the crafty warrior/assassin who set about his task.

The assassin was discovered by a human diviner, whose name has been lost, but who was known for sure to sacrifice himself to save the elf responsible for the great diverse city he loved so well. In response to this, the assassins name was to be forever forgotten, so as to not even warrant his deeds in infamy for others to follow, and all of his items were thrown into a broken portal to be randomly teleported all across the known Realms of the vast multiverse.

However the ring ended up in the hands of other infamous beings and was lost at the last battle of the fall of Myth Drannor and taken as booty by the reigning tanar’ri. A balor came to claim it for himself and has possessed it for centuries, until its bloody demise, first in the Forgotten Realms, and then in final death in the Abyss at the hands of Rolt of Icewind Dale. Rolt to this day possesses this potent magical item and never takes it off.

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