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The Natural Boons of Hexté Thrathel

Cloak of the Living Wood

XP Value: 18,000 GP Value: 90,000

Hexté wears this cloak in all that he does. He and Sylva spent the better part of a century creating it. In the beginning it was only a cloak of protection +2, but over the years several runes and spells have been cast upon it, and it has been transformed and changed in color to create a seemingly living cloak. It is light green, and contains several shadings to brown, darker greens, and even some black. Runes were imbedded into the cloak each with a leaf, and subsequently the leaves are still living on the cloak, and disguise the runes as well. It was completed over 75 years ago, and Hexté is quite pleased with it, and Sylva has never been more proud of any work in her life. She learned to understand that she would not need such a cloak, or garments as she progressed in years, but Hexté would do to older age and lagging injuries from past battles. Below are listed the powers from this cloak, and all the spells and runes that are resident upon examination.

This cloak bears 20 hit points of it's own. If the cloak is specifically attacked and damaged, once the damage done to it is over it's 20 hit point limit, it does not die and become nonfunctional as one would think; rather roots itself and begins to drain blood from it's wearer at a rate of 1d4 hit points per turn until it is healed to below the 20 hit point barrier. Since it is living in a sense it can be healed via the normal methods of healing living creatures with rest, magic, etc.

Thus this potent relic they have created is a cloak of protection +2 at all times regardless of the surrounding conditions, however, when within wooded areas it increases to +4 protection. The cloak further changes in protection according to the animal affecting its wearer or the effect used against him. The protection changes are as follows and are cumulative with the cloaks normal +2 or +4 protection, but none of the below increased protective bonuses are cumulative with each other:

+3 vs. cold attacks
+3 vs. heat attacks
+3 vs. normal missiles
+4 vs. plants
+5 vs. animals
+5 vs. evil
+6 vs. undead

In addition, the cloak also bears abilities that it imbues upon its wearer, and they work as soon as the cloak is donned and function constantly. It allows the wearer to speak with animals (any number and any type, without duration), pass without trace whenever he moves, ESP when concentrating, the effects of animal empathy when reaching out to animals, and lastly animal friendship to all animals he comes in contact with.

Finally, like a staff of the magi, this cloak allows the wearer to use the following abilities with the use of command words (although no charges are used or born by the cloak):

  • Spider climb (as 17th-level mage)
  • Feather fall (as 18th-level mage)
  • Jump (as 18th-level mage)
  • Negative plane protection (as 20th-level mage)
  • Fly (as 21st-level mage)
  • Barkskin (as 22nd-level cleric)
  • Meld into stone (as 23rd-level cleric)
  • Charm animal (as 24th-level cleric)
  • Charm plant (as 24th-level cleric)

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