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Unique Items of the Trollslayer

Bracers of Shielding & Striking

XP Value: ?,000

GP Value: ?,000

These bracers are commonly bestowed by rulers as a sign of recognition to distinguished champions of great battles, and are often ornately engraved with the owners rank and the insignia of his company of the military force he belongs to. In the rare case that a person not from a military force should be awarded these tokens of the ruler, they are always engraved with the person's personal or family symbol(s).

These bracers appear to be made of burnished steel, inlaid with small emeralds to form runes. These runes are readily identifiable as those used to mark enchanted magical items made by bards and wizards. The bracers also show the presence of invocation magic if detected for. Once per day, the user may choose to invoke either the defensive or offensive power of the bracers. Used defensively, the bracers provide a magical +1 to the wearer's Armor Class and form a shield spell around the wearer for the duration of the day. If used offensively, the bracers allow the wearer to create 5 magic missiles, which may be used all at once or on separate occasions throughout the day. In addition, any melee weapon the wearer of the bracers is wielding gains the magical abilites of a +1 weapon. If the weapon they wield is already magical, it instead gains an additional +1, up to a maximum of a +5 magical weapon.
If the effects of the bracers is dispelled for any reason, they cease to function until the next day. The same effects of the bracers cannot be used for more than two consecutive days. After this time the power chosen will be the opposite of what what used the day before.

There are also rumors that there is a more powerful version of these bracers exist is sorceror ruled states and countries. These bracers would instead bestow a +2 bonus and would have the powers of fire shield and fireball.

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