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Bristish Columbia

As some of you know I spent the last six months(Oct.28-Mar.13) in Burnaby B.C. at the B.C. hockey College. I must say it was an enlighting experience. I had the opportunity to live away from home and away from responsible adults. It was fun, and that's all. Well, other than the fact that it rained practically everyday and I didn't get to do anything exciting or visit anywhere exciting. I learned a lot. Not just about hockey but about people, cultures, and myself.

About people: They're not always as they appear to be, careful who you tell things to it might go against your benefit in the future, and some Americans aren't that bad.

About cultures: If you can't speak English don't expect to pass English class, just because you have your lisence doesn't mean you can drive(DWO), and don't talk to people on the bus that don't talk to you first.

About myself: I can't stay mad at someone for more than five minutes, I spend money more than I drink water, I can't survive without friends and family.

The person that helped me the most while I was in BC was my friend Ashley Dwight. Ash rocks the house, you really have to know her to realize that she's not very intimidating, but I would never want to get in a fight with her because she could kick my ass with just words. Her strong personality and self expression can really be scary when you don't know her very well. She is one of the most intelligent people I know and is one of the better hockey players that I know. Ashley is an awesome friend to have and if it wasn't for her I never would have been able to survive in BC. She has taught me a lot about myself and I am truly greatful for all that she has done for me.

The reason I went to BC was to play hockey and I did that more than I could ever have dreamed. I was on the ice about nine times per week and I loved every minute of it. I played with the Burnaby Freeze Senior AA team and ended the season with a personal best record of 13 goals and 9 assists. I also was given the honor of wearing a letter(A). My first letter. Thanks guys. I also played fourteen games with the Burnaby Freeze Senior AAA squad and finishes with 2 goals and 1 assist. Check out Nikki's web page by clicking

Go Freezies

More on the B.C. Hockey College visit my BCHC page for more information and page links.

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