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It's Time To Break The Silence

Breaking the Silence

Many time's we can feel caged in, like there is no way out but there is, if you want to. Childhood sexual abuse, is not an easy topic to talk about, but if you do, the chance of being set free of all the pain that you hold deep inside, is greater, and you may get set free. This web page is where I retreat to, if I need somewhere, where I can be myself and to let out all the pain that I still keep bottled up. To survive Childhood sexual abuse, it doesn't take a miracle, it doesn't take a wish, it takes the determination to take your life back, and live it! People may say to you that it's time to get over it, but remember, your childhood innocence was ripped away from you. Whether it have been from someone close to you, or a stranger, the affects are still the same. You get over the pain, when you are ready, and not a minute earlier. All the pain that you may be feeling, is normal, always remember, always remember that you are not alone. All we can learn to do, is SURVIVE!! I hold you all, close to my heart, trying to wipe away your tears, your pain and your frustration. I hope and pray that you are all begining to live your life, and begining to feel FREE!! Please feel free to sign my guest book!!

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