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Linking to the South-Park Pitstop!

Linking to the South-Park Pitstop!

So , you want to link to us ?

Hold your mouse cursor over the banner or button below
Click and hold down the right mouse button
drag down to copy image location
then copy the image location to somewhere using cut and paste
drag down on the image again but this time select copy link location
put these two together

If you can't be bothered , just e-mail me and ill send you the code!!

The South-Park Pitstop!-click on the banner

please email telling me that you have linked to my page , tell me the address of your page and I'll check it out !! - if its real good , I'll link you to my page !!
thank-you !!
From the southpark pitstop people :-Þ

E-mail me by clicking HERE!

Please visit my sponsor !!