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What do you get when you multiply talent times seven? The answer is the "Society of Seven."

From blues, ballads, comedy and impersonations, Hawaii's own SOS continue to bring new meaning to the word 'variety' with enough energy to set seven stages ablace. Like a chameleon, the Society of Seven constantly change colors throughout a performance. From drama to dancing to Hawaiiana, the super septet make everything look easy. The group plays literally every instrument in sight - horns, keyboards, guitars, the works. Every member of SOS is an accomplished technician on several musical instruments. Each multi-talented member contributes his own special genius to the ensemble and the result is an explosion of musical energy guaranteed to entertain audiences around the world.

TONY RUIVIVAR, the wizard, the idea man; the creative leader of the group, who is responsible for what you see and hear. He not only plays the guitar, but also has a warm down-home earthy voice.

The SOS are never short on laughs. Each performance is laced with humorous asides and ad-libs with crazy visual gags, or just plain outrageously hilarious comedy routines. BERT SAGUM, the unpredicatble spontaneous comic, leads the charge of the SOS laugh brigade. In addition to the percussion instruments BERT plays, he is also the dancer of the group.

Hold on to your heart strings as GARY BAUTISTA pulls at them with his soaring dynamic ballad posture. In a complete turn-around GARY will get your hands clapping and your feet stomping with a stirring and energetic rendition of anything from Broadway to Sinatra. His ability to change his voice to do the hundreds of impressions he does is just uncanny!

The romantic mellow Hawaiian, HOKU LOW, posessor of the crystal clear high falsetto voice demonstrates his versatile vocal gymnastics. He not only plays bass but plays horns as well...sometimes both at the same time!

RANDY ABELLAR, one of the newer members, is the heartthrob of the group. He explodes on stage with excitement and his dynamic singing always evokes shrieks and screams from the members of the audience. He is also a very accomplished drummer and percussionist. His vocal range is truly incredible!

ROY GUERZO is the master keyboardist of the group. Not only does he play two or three synthesizers at once but he also arranges and programs all of the unique synthesized sounds of the group. An excellent arranger, he regularly arranges the music for the 66-piece Honolulu Symphony Orchestra when the SOS does their yearly concert at the Waikiki Shell with them.

The instrumental spotlight often focuses on WAYNE WAKAI. His ability to play several instruments at virtuoso caliber often brings cheers from an awestruck audience. Every time you turn to see him, he is playing yet another instrument -   guitar, keyboards, saxophone, and more. WAYNE is also an excellent arranger and is able to sing any vocal part from low bass to high gospel falsetto.

If that isn't enough, the SOS go to great expense and effort to present a proper visual multimedia package. Even their specially tailored stage outfits reflect class, sophistication and a keen sense of fashion. The use of props, costuming, staging, lighting production, sound reinforcement and equalization are all expertly directed by SOS technicians CLIFF ABE and JOSH REVELLS.

The list of accomplishments that have been credited to the SOCIETY OF SEVEN are endless and very impressive. Awards, special citations, national television shows, headlining or co-starring with other big stars all over the world... No wonder they are so much in demand in the convention circuit. Standing ovations and shouts of "bravo" and "encore" are traditional endings to an SOS performance. The fact that their concerts are always sold out is testimony not only to their popularity but also to their consistent top quality performances.

If you have seen the SOS peform, then you know what we are talking about. If not, then you are in for a treat... Do yourself a favor and discover the SOS EXPERIENCE!

For further information, call or write to:

Society of Seven

2335 Kalakaua Avenue · Honolulu, Hawaii 96815

(808) 923-0711

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