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Kate's Faeries


Sorry, I haven't maintained this page in over 2 years. I plan on beginning to do so. Any suggestions, etc. that any one may have, please email them to me. Thanks.May 22, 2003

Good eve! I'm Kate, the creator of this page. This page is dedicated to the faeries and all of those human creatures out there who like them just as much as I do. It also has some valuable content in it, at least by my standards. So, all I ask is that you enjoy this wonderful website that I have created for your pleasure. Also, my art should have a link sometime soon.

Just for the heck of it, I'd like to praise the fantastic institution of friendship. Yay, Friendship!

Life is beautiful, and a good friend makes it all the better.

Now for the faeries! Faeries have been my obsession since I can remember. I have always been fascinated by the many different views on how faeries look or fly or grant wishes. To me all of these tales are true. Faeries, or fairies, are both big and small, magical and non magical, good and evil, mortal and immortal, young and old. No tale is entirely true, nor is it entirely fabricated. Faeries are everything and nothing Faeries are the representation of Life. They do everything that we wish them to do simply because they wish the same things that we wish. Faeries are wondrous beings. We all have a bit of faerie in us.

I refuse to say, as others might, that faeries dwell only in our imaginations. Yes, they dwell there, but who is to say that they dwell only there? If you believe, then good, if not, that's fine. Faeries are whatever you make of them. They can either exist or not. That is part of the greatness of faeries. They will live forever, even if they have never really lived, in our imaginations and stories. Still, they may live forever just as humans live, and be forgotten by humans. Do not deny them, for they are the stories that find abode in the most colorful areas of our imagination; they are the stars that twinkle brightly in our minds; they are the flutter of gossamer wings against the flower of creativity. Whether they are physically inhabiting our world or not, we need faeries.

Faeries are everywhere, if you look close enough. A child will claim that he,"Saw one in the bushes, Mama. Come look!", but the mother does not believe him, though she may pull herself from her lawn chair and peer at the spot where her child saw it just to humor him. She does not think for a second that maybe her child can see things that she cannot because he believes in them. She does not take into consideration that children sometimes have a sixth sense. She does not remember that as a child, she too saw a faery. Adults almost always forget. It's a sign of old age.

Oh, but that's not all. What about when that child grows up. Do you think that he will remember what he saw? More often than not, no. He will be taunted mercilessly by his playmates until he convinces himself that it wasn't a faery at all, it was a dragonfly. No, no, he must forget that he ever even thought that it could possibly be a fairy. After all, fairies do not exist, as we all know! So, he'll live his life in denial that he ever saw such a beautiful creature as the faery and go on to study elephants and 2+2 and it's-isn't-not-ain't.

There are far more mystical creatures than the faeries, but I cannot put them all on such a small space. So, I have made seperate pages for them. You can find their addresses at the bottom under "Links".

The history of these beings is long and ancient. Not even the wisest of men can begin to tell you how many dwell in this world, for they often travel to far away realms in which we will never be able to prove exist. Humans have taken over this world, and so the faeries and their kin must find other places to settle. No, the only way you can ever find the secret of these strange and beautiful creatures is to look into the depths of your own mind and soul. There you will find that which is never found unless there is true desire and belief. It all depends on you.

Good-bye all ye faerie friends.

May the stars forever wink at you!
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Mermaids and Water-Nymphs
Even More of Kate's Faeries
Jens' and Luke's Webpage
Elfwood- Great Place!
