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The 20th February 1999 saw Nongkee Pahuyuth Camp, in conjunction with the W.P.K.L., hold it's first show of 1999. Dean White matched 13 fights, 4 that were International fights with fighters from Holland and 3 top class Title fights. This show set the year off to a good start. If other promotors can match this standered, we are in for a good year for Thai Boxing.

The first fight on the show was one of three junior fights on the show with Amma Singh (Siam Dorm Adair, Scotland ) facing Danniel Welsh (Kings Gym, Bradford). Round one, Amma came out with a good high round house kick but Danniel was not letting him have his own way and came back with some good boxing. Amma tried to land the high round house throughout the fight and even trying a jumping kick, but Danniel punches were hitting the mark. At the end of three rounds, a win to Amma Amma Trying one of many high kicks
Rebecca and Becky Fight number two on the cards was between Rebecca Maxwell (Gladiators Gym) and Becky Cotten (Darlington Martial Arts Academy). This fight started with a good exchange of punches and Rebecca being able to deliver 3 take downs in round one, while Becky got in some strong low round house kicks. Round two was very even to me. But the third round saw Rebecca take control of the fight with some good low kicks of her own. Round four, both fighters came out like bulls, however Rebecca always looked heavier and taller than Becky and in the end helped her to a win.
Third on bill was one of four International fights, that had four British fighters facing a team from Holland. This fight saw Leonni Fellows (Nongkee Pahuyuth Camp) facing Marsha Fohoppemr (Holland) these two young girls weight in at 44 Kg and 42 Kg. Round one was a slow start by Marsha allowing Leonni to gain the round. The second round saw Leonni take full control of the fight with a roundhouse kick and punch combination, that again helped her win the round as Marsha looked tried. In round three the fight was over after a low round house kick from Leoni and give her the winners trophy. The first win of the night to Dean White’s Nongkee Pahuyuth Camp. Sorry - No Picture
 Dale White with dad after another win. Nongkee Pahuyuth Camp next fighter on the bill was Dale White against Clayton Wandars from Holland who was undeaten, that is until tonight. Dale’s first punch shook him down to his feet. Dale only hit him twice more and the fight was over. The second win of the night to Nongkee Pahuyuth Camp. Dale’s record is now : Fights 23, six win and 2 loses, under junior rules (no head contact). Thirteen wins with head contact, and only one loss and a draw (both in Thailand).
Bout five had Roye Howe ( Darwin Thai Boxing) facing up to Dafydd Lewis ( Plymouth Thai), this fight was 3x2 rounds at 66 kg. Both fighters started well with Dafydd doing some good knee work in round one, only for Roye to protect himself with just as good blocks. Dafydd landed some right hooks to hold back the left low round house kicks form Roye. Round two Roye was able to put some nice combination of body and head punches and looked the more clear headed at the end of the round. The last round went well for Roye landing some more left hooks while Dafydd scored with some strong knees in the clinches. A win on points to Dafydd.
 Lee covering up as Wesley attacks Lee and Wesley best of friends after the fight Lee Talbot ( Nongkee Pahuyuth) V’s Wesley Claus of Holland was next number six on the show. This was the Second International fight of the night. Round one As both fighter got close up, it was clear the Lee had about a 2 or 3 inch height over Wesley. Both fighters took round one to weight each other up, with a few jabs and some good knee work. Round two Lee came out with some good combinations of punches, and ending the round with a left roundhouse kick to the middle, which put Wesley on the canvas. The third round Lee made contact with a left hook, but also caught Wesley with a accidental low knee during one of the early clinches. Wesley had a little success of his own with some good close work. Round four Wesley started well, putting Lee on the floor with a well timed low kick. Lee got up and tried to land some punches, but Wesley covered up well until the last few second of the round when Lee made contact with a uppercut. Lee started round five with some more punches and flying round house kick. While Wesley stuck to the same style throughout the fight, that had been successful for him. At the end of the fight both fighters had done their best, but the result went to Lee - a win on points.
Bout Seven on the bill was over 3x2 round at 66 kg between Mike Johnson (Siam Dorn Adire , Scotland) and Mich from Bradford ( Kings Gym). Mike started with some punches and then, out of nowhere, just missed the target by only a few millimetres with a spinning back kick, Mich attacked with some good left and right punches of his own making good use of his jab. In the final seconds of the round Mike just missed the head of Mich with a high right roundhouse. This was a super start to the fight for both fighters. Round two started as good as the first round, but then Mike landed a well placed right low kick then delivered a second kick on the same spot. Mich tried to get back in to the fight when Mike again delivered a low roundhouse to the left leg which had Mich on the floor and unable to continue, a TKO win to Mich in the 59th second of the round. Sorry - No Picture
 Simon Chu and Trainer Dean white The next fight was Simon Chu ( Nongkee Pahuyuth Leeds) ready to fight Andrew Hensby of (Wicker Camp, Sheffield). This fight was for the W.P.K.L. Northern Area Title at Welter weight. As the first round got under way it was Andrew who got the first punches in. While Simon started with a uppercut. Simon was taking his time and putting some very good punch combinations to work, while Andrew waited until almost the end of the round to land a left roundhouse to the middle area. Simon was settling in to the fight as the second round got under way. After landing two punches that would have stopped most fighter, it was obvious that Andrew was hurt and trying to keep out of Simons way. It took Simon 1 min and 41 seconds to land the third punch that ended the fight of Andrew and gave Simon a well earned first title : his 10th fight and 5th win.
Next on the bill were two very experienced fighters. Neil Woods of Koa Bon Liverpool and Craig Shaw of Darlington Martial Arts Academy. Tonight’s fight was for The W.P.K.L. Commonwealth Jnr. Welterweight title over 5x3 rounds. Round one : Neil used to some good shin blocks and then countered with some good punch combinations. Which always started with hard left jab that hit the mark each time. As the round ended Craig’s face was looking marked from the punches. Round Two, both fighters started with low roundhouse kicks, and then it was kicks Vs Punches for the rest of the round. Neil got in close and was able to put Craig on the floor with a storm of punches. By the start of Round three, Craig started attacking Neil, while Neil used his punches to uphold the attack. Craig went down again after another roundhouse on the same leg. Craig hit back with his own punches, but these had no effect on Neil. Round four Neil started with the left jab, and a low kick, Craig leg was showing the signs of pain and Neil was not going to give it time to heal. In the 44th second Neil once again landed a low roundhouse kick that put Craig on the floor. As the referee stepped in to stop the fight Craig’s corner had also thrown in the towel, giving Neil the win and title. Craig  & Neil in close combat
 Neil Wood the new W.P.K.L. Commonwealth Jnr. Welterweight champion
Bout no. ten was a kickboxing fight with Jamie (Wallessy Martial Arts) and John Keedby (Leeds Muay Thai) over 3x2 minute rounds at 77 kg. Jamie won this fight when the three knock down rule was put in to effect in the 44th second of the first round.
Bout No. eleven saw Stevie Houston (Siam Dorm Adair, Scotland) square up to Shahid (Kings Gym) over 3x2 min rounds made at 67 kg. Stevie started the round, by putting Shahid down on the canvas with the first roundhouse kick Shahid tried to get back in to the fight, but Stevie was all over him like a rash. Round two, Shahid laid Stevie down with a punch from nowhere, Stevie was given a standing eight count, and came back with some hard punches of his own. The round ended with some good knee work from both fighters. Last round saw both fighter needing the round to win. Stevie landed some well placed punches only to let Shahid have his turn in landing some. The Result was a win to Stevie on points.
Paul & Hussain after the fight

 Hussain Mouadet ( Matuari Gym, Holland)Paul entering the ring with Dean
Next on the bill were Paul Monaghan ( Nongkee Pahuyuth Dewsbury) Vs this fight was made at 76 kg over 5x2. Hussain came to the fight with a record of 16 wins and 1 lose while Paul had 11 wins and 3 loses. Round one Hussain started slow and caucuses, while Paul was trying to find his distance. paul was able to put Hussain down on the floor with a good left handed punch. However Hussain was still looking for a fight. At the end of the round Hussain ended it with a onslaught of punches, to which Paul's answer was to cover up well. Round two and three saw both fighters change tactics. Some good low and high roundhouse kicks from Paul. Both fighters came in close to place some good hard knees. The fourth round Hussain landed a front kick and low roundhouse while Paul looked stronger taking it in his stride, hitting back with a few combination of punches that always ended with his left hand. Round five Hussain went for the KO while Paul was also looking for a short round. It was close quarter combat, when Hussain when down from an anvil of a punch, that seemed to land on the right shoulder. Hussain was holding his shoulder and was in no condition to continue, the fight was stopped. The fight awarded to Paul on a TKO.
This last fight was for the W.P.K.L. British Lightweight Title at 61.2kg over 5x3 rounds between in the red corner Stevie Sheddon of Siam Dorn Adair, Scotland and Damien Bartholomew of Wicker Camp Sheffield.
Round one Stevie started with a fast right hand and then a left, a war of punches had just started that would not end until the last bell sounded. The second half of the round saw some good griping and keens from both fighters. Damien got a eight count only to come back in to the fight with a good high roundhouse. Round two Stevie used his right hand to do some damage, with some good knees to the body for good measure. But Damien was making good use of the front kick and then a right punch. and ending the round with a wall of punches Round three Stevie land a right hand however Damien used a high roundhouse hitting the jaw of Stevie. But Stevie came back with a right hand as if the kick had missed. Damien ended the round with another front kick and right hand. Round four Damien was first to come out and started with a front kick and a left low roundhouse. There was a lot of clinch work in this round but a lot of work was still being done by both fighters. Stevie acquired a right hand in his face (not for the first time). This was a hell of a round. Both fighters were bleeding, Stevie from the nose and Damien from a cut over the right eye. Round five both fighters came out as if the fight had just begun. This was a toe to toe round of punches and kick with lots of skill and guts form both fighters. The Result at the end of this battle was a draw. Or as I'd like to think - Double Winners.
Steve and Damien in what I think was the best fight of the night (Mike Duffy)

 Yet more good clinches

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This page has been designed by Louise Redford. Fight report written by Mike Duffy, for the British Thai Boxing (the unoffical site)