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My Language - Learn it, Love it

Hello, my name is Shelly Coones, I'm in my 2nd year at University College of Cape Breton, Nova Scotia, i'm 20 years old. I don't really have much to say, but i just thought it would be cool to have a home page. I'm going to try and put a picture on this, if it will work. It's a picture of me and my dad, in 1994, on Splash Mountain, in Disney World. I'm scared out of my mind, which you will probably see on the picture. Heres a thought from martin, he's a little on the dark side. Hey have you ever wondered what it was like to see the day through another person's eyes? How it is to breath through their lungs? Or how it is to love through another person's soul? Well I think about that all the time, everytime i pass by a young couple in love, kissing in front of a shopping mall, or outside a movie theatre, i just like to sit there and wonder whats going on in their mind? Do you think that they know whats going around them? Or is it just the feel of their lips pressing on each other as many have done before them? Or do they do it just for the fact that its kissing? We'll I guess i'll never know maybe someday someone will figure it out and let me know whats going on? Here's a poem,Martin wrote:
Many years of past passion spent in the night of the teenage days of the universe
Many moments on a blank canvas
with your eyes as the brush
do you trust the skies in your arms?
do you love in the name of your soul?
As many smiles come on your face
none as bright as the one upon your silk white skin
in the star sparkled sky of your dreams
Spread your arms in the name of passion in the pink riddin moon
As a gentle kiss settles on your soul
Time means nothing in the face of teenage affection
The sun rises to the fall in the mist of her eyes
As many books has told, the look of a spiritual lover, never lies
This is what I look like most of the time 'cause I'm a cranky (but nice) person. :-)