Something... But we don't know what.

*sunday, may 26

Oh my... my cursor is freaking out. Um, for some reason "Tuesday's Gone" is causing me mass internal pain. Reason? ...Anyone? Anyway, things are going good over here at the House of Alison, except I can't seem to get the cam running. I think I'm going to have to reinstall the intel program onto this OS (we switched to Win2000 a while back which is why you can no longer send me files). Nothing really immense has happened lately other than everything... You know, bus rides and cottages and beer (actually, I haven't had any in a while) and the cutting off of ALL my goddamn hair... It'll grow back, I'm just not sure how soon. I was thinking on the bus today that summer is comin awful soon... I just hafta live through exams first. However, I only really have 3 and a half, so that's not too shabby.

Arg- I'm even boring myself with this. I don't have any new insights lately except that short hair (well, ear-length..) is stupid and summer is soon... Cottages are exciting... And I should think about other people more... because I catch myself being really self-centred a lot these days. However, I honestly DO make the best sandwiches ever.

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~check ya later

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