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sea of love

hi y'all
thanx for joinning me
you are in my little corner of the world
I hope you'll share with me and enjoy all the thing's i love in the world , and all the great people i call my friend's

so go get a of coffee and join the ride.


who ever knows me , virtually or otherwise knows my biggest passion are dolphins
תירביעב רתאל

in cyber world most people knows me as Ofek , those people used to sit at swoon and i'm proud to call them my freinds
so let me take you to our world: let you get to know a coupple of them ,visit their homepage's, and just have fun !

I used to rume the field with some nut dirt-motorbikers . I learned a lot of respect to my invoirment from them.
So if you are into this, and while you are speeding through the field, stop look around and enjoy the view
It is worth it

Please visit my page dedicated to DAVID BROZA my favorate Israeli singer

Please forgive me - but that site is in Hebrew תירביעב !

Thank you's for all the people that helped me with this page

dirt-motorbiking and off-road
we have in Israel some great site's we can visit and go off-roading in them with bike's or Jeep's
personally i love the northen part of the country, but i know most guys and off-roader's loves the desert, the quiet and the open space , being close to mother earth, getting to hear your inner self, your thought and believes.

Because of the growing of that sport i feel it's important to remind to our self how easily we can distroy thing's that we love, for our selves and ather's that follow us
we have a great country , lets keep it that way for our children !
Another important thing to learn about is safty ! it's a dangerous sport if you do not do it properly!

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Thank you's for all the people that helped me with this page !
Z-z : for not being kind on me ...... and spell checking me (-:
Canci : for the animation idea's
Debearman : for his profesional insight
Tony : just for the support and the patient
Danny Shimon :for reminding me each and everyday i dont know nothing

and here are my babies

My latest baby Mikit

THANX for visitting my site , please sign my guest book , and be sure to bookmark it , this is just the begining !

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this site was last on 06/06/01