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Scully and Locksy's FREE Custom Graphics

Yo!!! Welcome to Scully and Locksy's Free Custom Graphics Page, a simple little hobby of ours! All Graphics we make are free and for NON-profit pages only. We make all kinds of graphics, anything you want we can make!!! Just read the directions for the type of graphic you want and fill out the form below.

If you give us the URL for a picture, we can resize it to be big for a logo and it comes out really nice when I put words on it (like Scully's above).

If you would like a set of buttons you can go to BUTNZ (or any other blank buttons place) and choose a style and the background you like, then include the code in the description (the code will come up once you set your mouse on top of the button for a few seconds Example- grad01).

For banners, we found a great place with lots of banner backgrounds to choose from-BANNER WORLD(you could also give us the URL for another background you would like). You can also pick banner buttons from there. If you're using graphics from banner world type the code (the text under the graphic- Example- nat3.gif) in the description.

If you would like a personalized pic to use in chat include the background color you would like, what you want it to say (including font and color of lettering if you like), and a picture URL to put on it (we can resize big ones) and put it in the description. They usually come out like this - Example

If you woud like something different just fill out the form below.

Copy +Paste the following info and and send it off to Scully and Locksy!
Site Title-
Site URL-
What Would You Like-

You should be recieving your graphic by e-mail in at least 2-3 days at the most. If you cannot recieve e-mail attachments please e-mail me.

Please add this banner to your page and sign the guestbook if you use our graphics

The URL is Please link it to this site.

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Scully & Locksy

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