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The Internet

As I sit here and twirl my hair,
I think of my love for you so rare.

The most important moments I wait,
to see you type the words of fate.

The precise words I love you,
I wait to see you type it too.

This chat room so filled with love,
our bond and vows we made hereof.

Each letter we type on our screen,
they are letters of love nobody has seen.

Our hopes and dreams we share in time,
clutches our hearts like binder twine.

We vow our love to forever stay,
and make it stronger with each passing day.

In this chat room we proved our love to be,
so strong and rare for the world to see.

I truly thank God for this creation,
as Marc Bouchard is my only salvation.

And now that we have finally met,
its all because of "The Internet".