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My All, My Everything

My Love,
bonds of time immortal, blooms from seeds that are
nurtured and loved.

My Life,
is gracious in living, the humble air I breath so
smooth, so free.

My Soul,
will eternally cheer, for an angel sent to me from
the merciful sky above.

 My Dream,
is to love and to be loved by Marc, who has thus far
fulfilled my every dream.

My Hope,
to share my love and my life with one of God's
greatest creations.."Marc".

My Smile,
that portrays the strength love has beautifully

My Tears,
bursting forth in profusion like a garland of luminous
blossoms of sunlight on sparkling pools.

My Prayer,
to one day become Marc's wife and to mother his child,
build a foundation showered with love that will never perish.

My Reflection,
showing the strength and sacred beauty from the whispers
of I Love You.

My Happiness,
goes on and on and forever it will flow graciously,
demonstrating only what true love brings.

My Kiss,
so deep and passionate, cascading the beautifully sweet
taste of a flower, seductively meaningful.

My Hugs,
to grip hold of the wondrous beauty, easing away
any painful heartache.

My Yesterday,
was a day I shared my inner most deepest feelings,
healing wounds that were made to weep.

My Tomorrow,
is that of a day I shall love my gift from God even
more, thrust a more powerful journey into the
enchantment of love.

My Grace,
to thank God for this precious man, the unique compassion
of love that has developed tremendously in our hearts.

My Scent,
revealing the aroma of the flowers in the meadow, that's
only nurtured with Marc's love.

My Eyes,
are eyes of beauty, eyes of mystical desire, eyes that
beam sparkles, observing potential accomplishments of
challenges that begins a new chapter in our life.

My Sunshine,
that sends rays of warm light to shine upon the world,
even in our darkest hours.

My Voice,
heralding the delicacy of love, rejoicing to be alive
and loved, to sing the melody of love.

My Sky,
the brilliant blues, changing to a crimson red, the diamond
sparkle from the cluster of stars, sending the perfume scent
from heaven.

My Earth,
was born into beakness of crystal shaped dust surrounded
by beings of heavenly lust.

My Heart,
is a mystery that entwines the togetherness of our souls
in gladness for the moments of love and eternity.

My Man,
is that of perfection, a bouquet of roses on my pillow,
my mentor, my friend, my love, my life.

My Marc,
the breathtaking, speechless, unselfish, loving, charming,
intelligent, the moon's reflection, the meaning of Love,
the source of all light, the fountain of love, the warmest
ocean mist of air we breath, the peaking rays of the golden
sun, the redeeming man of inspiration, the masculine, primitive,
beautiful man I want for my own, my precious deeds of the heart.
You render truth in all you bring
because you are "My All My Everything".
My Dearest Love, you have shed so much love and warm light
into my heart and soul...and this my baby I am grateful to
you for...I Love you so much Marc...