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Because we do not have enough time in order to be occupied with the webpage, we said to create a unit in which we will write (fastly) the latest news.


Well, how time passes so quickly ................... We have reached July ...................It`s time to write something new in in the page because it touched spiders..............Well it is our fault that we don`t wright often, however they exist also obstacles. Pressure of work, problems of health, hours without endless, of reading and all these in such degree that they do not allow you to spend even few minutes for the site

So we say therefore..................

- First subject the street.. As all they show it finishes this titanic work, the work mammouth, the work of thousand millions.....what to do now? we cut ribbon or we break some champagne in the rocks..... It is such a dilemma…....I lost my sleep for a decision.....

- We continue with waters.. A lot delays the contractor to place the pump and the generator and we get so angry all the village people....As much as i think that we may run out of water like we did last August, I begin and remove tobaccos..... We go and we mix with something idle and cumbersome contractors also in the subject of water but also street..

- Other subject....Now in the summertime it is to be placed a transponder of channels TV above kokoros… Imagine all the channels: “glass-cinema situation” that is to say… We lost our vision all the years with snowball of channels.. You sate calm and beautiful to see a film and if by any chance was windly...... or was threwing some drops of rain… this it was....The outside of the house landscape was the same with the picture of TV.....Also we chose this point of the village(kokoros) because it is unique that combines very good signal and the optical contact with all the village.............

- You place these days a pavilion in form of exagon, above the S.Hlia church..It will be placed between the church and in the aerial of COSMOTE...... It is inaugurated in the 20th of july…. Therefore we all must be there… We learned and something else, to even you we transport.. :And the other two companies of mobile telephony are prepared to set up aerials in the top of S.Hlia church.. The TELESTET company very shortly indeed....Is this good ? Is this bad? You can say also nothing.....

- Recently I took the Rovoliaritika news in my hands..I can tell that I liked very much the result!!!!! ....I wish good continuity to the new team of rovoliaritika news which presupposes enough work……...

- End I would want to prompt you to go to our village the two-days period, 26 and 27 July.. They is our first festival and because this year takes place Saturday and Sunday, i believe that is confortably for all......... Wants support this event because the last years , follows a declining course with danger to cease exists… It is pity ,because this festival comes from despite too much old...... would be bad mark if it stops on our days.... For this therefore you support it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

-----HAVE A GOOD VACATION--------------


- We didn`t inform you for a long time............ for this we will try to you to transport the last news with regard to our village. Therefore ,first subject is the street.. They began the work one week ago roughly, but the instruments don`t inspire us confidence.It will finish some moment won`t it? Other subject..The damage in the network of water in the district area of S. Apostoloi was located and repaired. It is indeed very tragic being in the middle of the winter with a half metre of snow outside and the taps having no water. And one last… Some company of mobile telephony prepared to cover our village and the around spaces with her signals …………………............................. We will come back with more news..............................................


- A few days ago was auctioned finally, the remainder piece of our unfinished street. According to responsible`s says, in one roughly month from now they will begin the work. It sounds increadible after the so much problems that preceded. ......................................


- What we occupied all this year is that the village is an unfinished amusement, when after the oriental style songs evening of 11st August, followed also other magnificent nights… This evening was organised irreproachably also as it is natural, required proportional continuity. This continuity came with:parties in the school on 15th August.It was an unforgettable night under the stars, under the hospitable foliage of the plain-tree . And because the youth does not only know to drink, but also to eat, has sacrificed in the altar of her amusement, one delicious little sheep!!!!!!!!!!


1) - On 11th August and day Saturday you prepare for one evenings full of oriental songs. The last year`s effort was judged achieved and we said to repeat also this year the experiment........The only thing that remains is to find the place to do this.



- Pleasant the news of the unfinished street (we naturally mean the road-axis Vitoli-Rovoliari). According to our last informations, was approved chalk-line of 40 millions for this year while they have been proposed also the 60 millions for the year 2002. We hope that in next two-months will be auctioned the work. WITH OUR WISHES........... To see finished this street and what in the world!!!!!!! If seats somebody under and calculates the money that were spent until now for the widening, technical and the asfalt of this street the sum that will result will touch upon the 1 billion of Drachmas. A number really incredible..................


- On 27th March of 2001 , Tuesday, passed away suddenly closely to us, the chairman Hlias Gogos. Existed on line of years chairman of our village and from 1998 up to his death was municipal adviser of Makrakomi`s municipality. He loved as long as few, our village and fought for this as his last moment. A lot of work has his seal and other were realised charm to his gigantic patience. He left in a moment at which he was needed very much, also his presence in the municipal council was necessary for the chances of our village. The void that it leaves is unfortunately very big. Hot condolences in his relatives and the as theGod rests his soul.




- At the last inventory that was held on 18 March 2001, our village not only touched the number that wished ( 300 individuals) other it exceeded by far this limit. Specifically: 404 individuals, friends and co-villagers, were those who corresponded in our call for attendance. We remind you that in the previous inventories, since 1971 and afterwards,we never had exceeded this number of individuals. In 1971 were registered roughly 500 ,in 1981 around in the 350, 1991 286 and now 404. The message that remaines to us is the following: When we work organised and constituted ,all together ,leaving at part differences, we are capable for everything!!!!!!




- The Christmas that they passed this year in our village were the most beautiful from others years.The snow had covered everything, making the go to the village a small adventure. The magic,very white landscape however compensated also with more all courageous who finaly took the decision to go, the number of which was very small.



- We were particularly glad with the make that other neighbouring villages as Rentjna and Dikastro, followed our own example and have also their right corner in our web. Should, at opinion, all the villages of our region imitate this effort.The address of Rentjnas, that has made amazing work, is: and the Dikastro`s:





- The movement that has this season the village him does not have nor to the summertime.The reason is the teams of hunters that using our road network in order to go up in the mountains. This work becomes each day , specially at weekends and you believe that you find yourself in a street that crosses a city.






- You see from then that it was presented in the army the author of page we have remained little behind in our electronic page a individual leaf of course, little front it steps his leg in the regions of Ebros, they was this reason for synantisi.


- Our opinion for the topical fastival that became in the 16/8/2000 is not also better. The organisation and the service him marks a lot down the LIMIT. WE BEG YOU to see your errors and omissions and correct them because slowly-slowly the festival looses his glomour.


- On the contrary,the oriental songs show evening was the best we have seen , the last years in the village .One evening that him it had to all Quality of music, variety of ages, good mood and dance, beers but also nerves and exchanges of fires, via microphones.


- The news on water from Agriokastania are pleasant, after they have become the pipings and the wirings in all the way. Certain,it remains the reservoir in area “zigos” and the generator which are essential..


- We would want to say to those who have recent photographs from the village to send them to us in order to pass them in the website. That`s all for now, and do not forget to send us e-mail.

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