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On this page you can take an intelligence test that is fun and learn about intelligence tests. To take the test write your answers on a separate sheet of paper, click on the e-mail address below, number and type each answer in the same order they were on the test, and then send. Hope you have fun.

Homogeneous And Neoteric System Exam Nisus (HANSEN)

Directions: Answer each question to the best of your ability. Give the best possible answer for each question. Stop after 10 minutes. What is not answered leave blank. Do not ask for help from anyone and do not use any calculators, books, or aids of any kind.

1. Who discovered America?
2. On what continent is Australia?
3. Who is buried in Grant's tomb?
4. How many donuts in a dozen?
5. What is your favorite true color?
6. Right is right to what degree?
7. On what continent is Austria?
8. Which weighs more a pound of light fluffy feathers or a pound of thick heavy lead?
9. In what month is Thanksgiving in Canada?
10. If a host puts a roast in the oven what do you put in the toaster?
11. When is England’s 4th of July?
12. Halloween will fall on Friday the 13th in the year 2013. Will it be any scarier than others? Explain.
13. How many psychologists does it take to change a light bulb? Explain.
14. Why are 1968 pennies worth almost $20.00?
15. A man has 2 kittens, 3 dogs, 1 monkey, 6 cows, 4 horses, and 7 birds. Of all of these animals all but, 11 DIED. How many animals did the man have left?
16. Divide fifty by one half and add twenty-five. What is the answer?
17. Fig Newton wore the first fig leaf. True or False
18. Fig Newton discovered the law of gravity. True or False
19. Without looking, what color was used for the background in the article on page three of this site?
20. There are twenty-eight questions on this test. Within 3 points, how many questions will you get right?
21. Name three animals from which we get ivory.
22. Obtuse means - A. Happy, B. Overweight, C. Stupid, D. Aggressive
23. Abstruse means - A. Recondite, B. Less than 90 degrees, C. Happy, D. Abstract
24. Recondite means - A. To spy, B. Esoteric, C. Flammable, D. Depressed
25. What does “cogitate” mean?
26. What is the age and sex of the person below?

27. The following is a picture of what?

28. The star in the picture below as you look at it is:
A. In the upper left quadrant.
B. In the upper right quadrant.
C. In the lower left quadrant.
D. In the lower right quadrant.
E. In both the upper right and lower left quadrants.
F. In both the upper left and lower left quadrants.
G. Not there. There is no star.


One of the first intelligence tests was designed and developed in France by Dr. Binet in the 1800s. The government asked him to develop a test which would tell them what children would benefit from education. In actuality they wanted to know what children were of such low ability that they would not benefit from instruction. Thus high performance on intelligence tests is highly correlated with successful school performance. After considerable research and observation Dr. Binet developed an intelligence test. The test measured the performance of tasks performed by children at different age levels. Dr. Binet determined that there were certain tasks that children should be able to perform at certain age levels. He would have them attempt the tasks and record their success or failure on each item. Each item would give credit for a certain number of months for ability. When the test was completed the total number of months passed was the mental age. The mental age was divided by the number of months of the child's chronological age and multiplied by 100 to get a whole number. This was the Intelligence Quotient or IQ. This then was a criterion based test. In other words the child's performance was judged based upon his or her performance as compared to certain established criterion. Later Intelligence tests which were developed and the Stanford-Binet converted to the Deviation IQ. The deviation IQ compared the subject's performance to a normed and standardized group in which the subject fell. Thus the IQ was more accurate because it was statistically more sound, gave information as to how the subject compared to others in the same age group, and gave statistical information.

Most intelligence tests have many things in common. They generally start with easier items and progress to more difficult items. They measure more than one area of intelligence. There is an attempt to make them interesting so that the subject puts forth his or her best effort. They are normed and standardized on a sample population.

There are different theories of intelligence. Some tests were designed to measure crystalized intelligence and fluid intelligence. Crystalized intelligence is that which is learned. Fluid intelligence would be the ability to solve a problem which one has never encountered before. Other tests measure verbal abilities as compared to performace or visual abilities. Still other tests measure sequential processing as compared to simultaneous processing or left brain functions as compared to right brain functions.

All intelligence tests require extensive training to administer and interpret. Only qualified professionals should dertermine when an intelligence assessment is needed, administer intelligence tests, and interpret them. When unqualified personnel attempt to determine if an intelligence test should be administered, what tests should be used, administer an intelligence test, or attempt to interpret them there is a danger of misinterpretation of data, obtaining inaccurate data, and doing psychological harm to the subject. Only those who have had extensive training in psychology and the administration and interpretation of intelligence tests should administer or interpret them. If you have any questions please feel free to e-mail Dr. Hansen by clicking on the e-mail address below.

This site was designed by Randall G. Hansen, Ph.D. Its contents are presented for informational and educational purposes only, and are not to be construed as professional advice on medical, legal, technical or therapeutic matters. By using and accessing the information on this site, you agree to waive any rights to hold the site developer, or any individual and/or group associated with this site, liable for any damage that may result from the use of the information presented here.
