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I Believe.... In Faeries

For as long as I can remember, I've always been enchanted by faeries. I read stories about them, looked at pictures of them, and even dreamed I was one of them.... When I was young, I always tried to see the faeries that I was SO sure lived in the yard beside my house, and somehow, I always managed to see at least one. Did I really see the magical creature, or was it just the faith of a child that made me think I saw it? I'll never know the answer, but until I hear otherwise, I'll go on believing that I was blessed with the gift of faery magic all those years ago.

This is the Pixie that Pumbaa and I adopted Adopt your own Pretty Pixie

Angel in Blue by Jeffrey K. Bedrick

Click the Peony Fairy to see more Enchanted Visions of the Fae world


Enchanted Places

Ali's Wonderland
Lavender Woods
The Enchanted Faerie Forest
Silvan Sanctum
Cottingly Glen
The Enchanted Hollow
The FairyWeb