Welcome To South Park!!!
~South Park Theme Song~
 I'm going down to South Park, gonna have myself a time.
 Friendly faces everywhere, humble folks without temptation.
 Going down to South Park, gonna leave my woes behind.
 Ample parking day or night, people spouting,"Howdy neighbor!"
 Heading on up to South Park, gonna see if I can't unwind.
 Mmmmmmmm Mmmmmmmmm
 Come on down to South Park and meet some friends of mine.
Welcome to my page-o-South Park! This show is absolutly hilarious and I love it, which may be an early indicator to a sick mind....
Anyways, here is my salute to this crazy world! *l*
Stan Marsh
Eric Cartman
Kenny McCormick
Kyle Broslofski
Check out my kewly Park Sound Wav. Archive!

Well, I don't have one here (yet) so if you want to sign it (cuz I like to read your words) please come to
Medea's Way Cool Home Page!!!
I've got my guestbook set up there, and hey, you can take a look at my other acts of randomness.....! =Þ
Or    Me!

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is owned by Medea of Corinth.

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