Shawn's Unicycle and Animal Page
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Shawn's Unicycle and Animal Page

I love most animals with the exception of most dogs and insects. I have one Jackson chameleon, two albino dwarf hamsters, one regular dwarf hamster, two mice, two snakes, and a chihuahua. I attempted to breed one of the hamsters in early August. Unfortunatly, the male was sterile. But my mouse had 8 babies in the afternoon on the 20th. I wish I had a picture to show you. Near the end of May 97' I became interested in unicycling. After a month and a half of practice I got it down. It's an interesting hobby. If anyone visiting enjoys reptiles, rodents, or unicycling PLEASE e-mail and VISIT MY PAGES BELOW.

My guide to pet hamsters

My story on unicycles

My snake care page with PICTURES!

All my pages include great links selected by me.


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