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(Nifty title courtesy of Ms. Kyla.)

Well, it seems ya'll showed up on the front step of my lil
niche on the web, if I had a welcome mat,
I'd let you stand on it...


I reckon here you'll find a lil more out about me, you'll have the fact that im a hick verified im sure... and you'll make a mental note to stear clear of this fella they call by the name of Khigh all over the web. this page is going to be rather simple, not many graphics perhaps a few links...
nothing out of ordinary...

unless of course, you count my life...

the pic to the right, well thats me...
thats right outside my window actually.


Well, well... you read down to here, I'm impressed.

since you seem to find this page, somewhat of interrest...
perhaps you'd like to read a lil more info on me.
or maybe you'd care to check out a couple of links.

perhaps you'd rather just sign the Guestbook...
or, reminisce of the time that you had signed it by clicking "here"


Question ? comment ? just feel like cussing me out for that terrible injustice I did you ?
sign the guestbook, no email, prefer it that way...
