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Hanson Fiction Fun............Owned By: Amanda & Liz Welcome fellow Hansonites!!! This Homepage is a home for our Story.So Please Book Mark us....We also will be updating this story As often as possible....

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I'LL NEVER BRAKE YOUR HEART Written By: Amanda & Liz


(*This takes place somewhere in PA...summer of 97') "Well..i'm...i'm so glad you made it...wo.oo..wo" Sang Taylor. Zac just smacked away at his drums as he usually did. But tonight he felt something different..Jealusy. He looked at Taylor and though..sure...he's right up fron..alll the fame....all the girls...all the happiness. His thoughts qickly escaped his mind when he noticed something very unusual. He looked an Saw 3 girls screaming " Hanson"...the thing was these girls had no shirts. They had bathing suit tops instead. Zac's eyes immedetly were drawn to the girl in the center. She had light brown hair, about his height and had the nicest brown eyes Zac had ever saw. He smiled at her, and she smiled. Her smile was like a shy smile...which made Zac like her more. Somthing made Zac's eyes stick to her, like glue to paper. He was starring so much that at the end of the song, after the song, Tay began to talk and Zac started to play the first few notes to "Where's The Love". Taylor started to play to, he looked back and gave Zac the.." What's up with you"? Look. Zac just looked infront of him at that same beautiful girl. Ike turned to face Zac while playing his guitar. " Are you ok"? He mouthed. Zac just shook his head "Yeah". They played more songs, and then decided to go backstage for a qick water brake. "Mmm..thanks Mom" Tay said slirping down the water his Mom handed him. "Hey Zac what's with you tonight"? Asked Ike.

"Nothing..." Zac said.

"Sure looked like somthing" Taylor teased.

Zac rolled his eyes and ran after Taylor back onto the.

After the last song..Zac still found his eyes on that same girl. The concert ended..but Zac's obsession with that Brown eyed girl did not. He followed his brothers backstage and then looked out to see if this Mystery girl had left. He noticed the crowd was leaving...and that girl was left behind, searching for something. Zac ran out on the stage and looked down towards her.

"Hey" He said. "OH...Hey yourself" She said with a smile.

Zac smiled as she put on her tank top.

"So what's up"? He asked.

"Nothing..." She said glancing at the exsit where her friends were already out of.

The both of them sat on the stage.

"So wanna come backstage"? He asked.

"I'd love to...but my Mom will worry" She explained.

"Oh" He said.

There was a silence..." But she'll understand if i talk for a bit" She said. "What's your name"? Zac asked.

"Liz" She replied with a quick smile. " So you live here"? He asked.

"Yep" She said while glancing up at the stars.

After a short discussin...Liz decides her Mother would probably be mad. "Zac i should was nice talking to you" She said.

"Even nicer talking to you" He said.

Both of them blushed as she walked away.

Zac felt a twitch in his stomache, he felt like the girl of his dreams was walking out of his life right there infront of him. Will i ever see her again? He wondered.

"Zac come on we are heading for home" Taylor said. "Home" Zac sighed.

"YES!!! Home...finally i can see Amanda" Taylor said, referring to his best friend back in Tulsa.

"Yeah" ZAc said walking back into the stage area.

§~Chapter 2~A DREAM COME TRUE ~§

Wow...I thought as I walked away.I sure am stupid!There was probably my one and only chance to talk to the Zac Hanson,and I just walked away!I'm a ditz.Just then,I saw Miranda and Callista(my two friends)running to me.When they reached me,Callista said"Girl,where have you been?We've been waiting forever for you!"I just smiled and said,"Sorry.Well,it's just that Zac stopped to talk to me,and-"Miranda interrupted me by saying "Oh my God Zac talked to you?Wow!I don't believe you!!Prove it!"So we turned around and walked back toward the stage to where Tay and Zac were sitting.We were halfway there when he jumped up and ran to us."Oh hey Liz!I'm so glad you came back!"I was so relieved when he said that.I'm glad he wasn't mad."Hey Zac,uh..this is Callista and Miranda,but they have to be going now,don't you?"I looked at them with my eyes saying for them to go.They were amazed and shocked and then they FINALLY said bye and left. "Sorry about that.They're really hyper.And-"I started to say then stopped talking and noticed he was smiling."I really are glad you came back,"he said.I smiled shyly "You are?"I asked.He just kept smiling and nodded.We both glanced up at the stars,and then looked at each other and smiled.His smile was SOO amazing. "Hey Zac!Is this her?"It was Tay.He came over to us and sat on the other side of me "Yeah,Tay,this is Liz,"He smiled and said "hi".I returned his smile and his "Hi". "You know,Zac really likes you.When you left he said it broke his heart,"He said I looked at him and said"I did?"he smiled back and said"Yeah.But it's fixed now that you came back."I just smiled. Then I said "Well,I really like you too,Zac."He looked at me shyly. "You do?""Well,yeah,Zac.I came back didn't I?"He looked amazed.And so did I.I was so happy with my choice to stay.It seemed as if he really did like me... which I found weird...and exciting.It was the most amazing night of my life.

§~ Chapter3 A Lil Pinch Of Jealousy~§ After a night of talking and laughing,it was soon time to say good-bye.And after the last hug...after the last laugh....after the last smile....Liz walked away with tears in her eyes.It was one of the saddest good-byes of her life.With tears spilling from her eyes,she asked herself,"What is wrong with me?"Then she answered herself."He's the guy of your dreams,that's what's wrong with you,"she said as more tears came.There was nothing she could do now,all was said and done~................ZAC....................~"Hey Zac!Uh.....Earth to Zac..... Come in Zachary....come in Zachary!"Tay said laughing.t;Taylor don't call me Zachary!Zac said.Tay laughed."Oh, SO sorry to offend thee!"Hmm...he thought. "Hahaha,laugh all you want.Of course you're excited.When you get home,you have Amanda to back to,I have no one."He said sadly,just staring out the window. "Zac what are you talking about?You have all those weird friends of yours who run and act like three or something,"Taylor said.Zac pushed him...and then Tay pushed him back.Tay threw up his hands and said "All right little man,what is your problem?You win okay?But look...Sean is your best friend....Amanda's mine." "You really don't get it at all,do you?It's not the same.It's not at all the same,"he said.He was still facing the window,having one thing and one thing only on his mind.That one thing was the girl he just left behind...the one who seemed right for him...Liz.Taylor didn't know what was wrong with his little brother. "Uh...can I ask you what is so differant?"Zac looked at him."Well,Taylor.Since it hasn't occured to you yet,I'll just go ahead and tell you....Amanda is a girl....a very pretty girl...."he said with a smile.And yet,Tay still looked confused. "I just mean at least you have a girl in your life.I don't.I finially realized that that's the one thing in the world I don't have,"Zac sounded so not like him. Listen Zac,don't worry.You'll find someone one day.You'll see."He said with an encourageing smile."Oh,I already have,"he mumbled.Tay looked at him and said "What was that?"he had a sly smile on his face."Nothing."Then Tay said"I'm going to bed.Tomorrow we'll finially be home,"he got up from his seat across from Zac and turned and walked to the back of the bus.

Zac sighed.He thought to himself for awhile, and said to himself,"Lizzy, wherever you are,I hope you feel the same way about me,as I feel about you..."

§~ Chapter 4~THE NEXT DAY...~§

N-E-Way...later that day...they were home.It was about 2PM,then, and Zac was still in a sullen state."The first thing I'm going to do is call Danni(his girlfriend),"Isaac said while picking up the phone.Tay looked at him funny."I was gonna call Amanda."he said.

"Why do you need to call me?"She had appeared in the doorway.

"Oh hey!I missed you!"He ran to hug her,and Amanda thought of how lucky she was to have a good friend like Taylor,as most girls in her shoes would be.They sat down on the couch,and Tay asked her all sorts of questions."So,what have you been doing?"he asked her.

"Taylor!Don't ask me all those stupid know exactly what I've been doing-absolutely nothing!So enuf about me,tell me tell me all about the trip and the tour!"She seemed really excited.

Well there were lots of girls,lots of screaming,and lots of girls," he said.Amanda's face twisted.She punched him playfully in the arm,and said "How could you cheat on me?"She pretended to cry."He couldn't help it, Mandy ,there were girls everywhere,"Zac said entering the living room. he sat in the recliner.They were all sitting in the living room."Hey Zacky!"Manda said. "Oh God I am not Zacky!"he said."Hey Zacky"She kept on repeating.Until she stopped to see Zac couldn't take it anymore.Then she said she had to leave. "I'm going shopping with Jake,"She said,not thinking Tay would react the way he did.His face dropped completely.He asked,"Why Jake?"He was silently thinking that it should be him going to the mall with her."Oh sorry Tay.He asked me last week if I could help him pick out a birthday present for his mom.I'll be back later,"She said, getting up to leave.Tay followed her to the door."Well,when can I see you again?"he asked. "I'll drop by again after the whole mall thing,"She said to Tay, who was looking at her with sad puppy eyes."Oh Taylor,"she said pouting to him."I'm not ever really gonna ever leave you,"she said.His face brightened into a smile. "That's much better,"She said,leaning over to kiss him on the cheek.It's good to have my guy back,"Then she walked away.He walked backinto the living room,just in time to hear Isaac yell"DAMMIT!"."Let me guess.You've tried to call Danielle about 15 times in the last 10 minutes,and she's still not home," Taylor said.Isaac ignored him and he stormed away to his room.

"Hey Zac wanna go play some soccer?"he asked him."Sure!"so they ran to the backyard,They started playing,and Tay kicked it right past Zac. "YESS!!"he shouted,and Zac rolled his eyes and said sarcastically"You only wish you were as talented as me.Taylor laughed,and then Zac got serious. "Hey,Tay?"he said."Tay looked up and said"What?"." Zac started to say,"How do you....I mean...what are....I mean how do-" "Spit it out Zac "Taylor said impatientially."Okay.How do you know if you really like a girl...I mean A LOT?"Zac finially said.Tay looked at his little brother with a weird expression."You mean,if you're involved with her?" he asked him."Yeah,how do you know if you are?"Zac looked really serious. Tay laughed and said "How would I know?I've never been in love before!" Zac laughed and said "oh yeah!"The day went on but he couldn't get Liz off his mind.

....................§~LATER THAT NIGHT~§.................................. A knock came at the door.Tay got up sleepily to answer it.It was Amanda,of course."Well,it's about time Sleepyhead!"she said to him."Hey Mandy...what are you doing here?It's 10:00 and I'm tired,"he said,but she ignored him and walked inside. "So...what were you doing?"She asked.They both sat down on the couch. "Oh nothing...I was just watching Scream 2,again."he answered her.He was sleeping,and the light was off.He got up and turned it on.When he got back, he went ballistic.Amanda was wearing something rather revealing. "What is that?"he asked."Huh?What is what?"she looked confused.She was wearing very short shorts,and a tank top."Uh...Taylor...are you there?Hello?"she looked at him weirdly."You mean to tell me you went to the mall with Jake wearing that?"he looked serious.But Amanda just laughed.Somthing filled his body--IT WAS ANGER AND JEALOUSY.He kept asking his self why?And the question haunted him all night

§~ Chapter5 ~§ It was late August.All three Hansons knew there summer tour was over,but knew that there was MUCH more to come.And all three of them had a problem they couldn't fix.Taylor was incredibly jealous of Jake,Zac was still bummed out about Liz, and Isaac didn't know what to do about Danni.She never called or answered his calls.But Tulsa was still quiet,all things considering.Especially for Tay. He was rollerblading all alone on a Saturday afternoon.Going no place in particular.Just thinking.Thinking of everything.Of Amanda,his fans, Amanda,his brothers,Amanda,about fame,and oh yeah--Amanda.She always seemed to be on his mind.

He couldn't believe he acted the way he did the other day.Why did he get so upset? He kept asking himself the same question over and over."I had no reason to react the way I did,if she wants to date,let her date."He kept telling himself that same thing,knowing that he was totally lying to himself.

With his thoughts floating around his head...he sighed and skated up to the pizza place.Standing outside were his friends Justin,Lance,Matt,and Chris. "Oh hey,look who it is!It's Mr.Heartthrob of America!"Justin shouted,making everyone laugh."Everyone skated over to him,saying"hey"and stuff,and then Lance said, "So hey Tay.How's the "good"life like?"Taylor just laughed and shook his head. He described the tour as best as he could,and yet,the big question came up again.Did he have a girlfriend yet?"No,how many times do I have to tell you guys that? "He asked."Then Chris laughed and said "Guess again,"while pointing to Andrea Wallis,who was waving wildly to Taylor."Oh guys get her away from me,"He said to his friends.She's had the biggest crush on Taylor,and she was (and still is)extremely jealous of Amanda.She was also the biggest "duh" and the biggest ditz that ever walked the planet.She blabbed on about absolutely nothing...and what she does say makes no sense at all.In Tay's eyes,she wasn't exactly his soul mate..............

........................§~ Zac ~§............................. Zac was doing really bad.Just moping around the house doing nothing.Liz was the same way,practically.Like today,he had his head on the table just lying there, watching his mother fold the laundry.She kept looking at him."Zac,is there something wrong?"She asked cheerfully."No,nothing's wrong...what makes you think anything's wrong?"He said really fast.She didn't believe him."Zac you've been acting tis way for over a week.Are you sure nothing's wrong?"she kept asking, and Zac still said no."I guess I'm just tired."She didn't buy any of it. "Zac,look at you.You're depressed,you need to get out.Now look at Tay-"she started to say,but Zac cut her off."Mom!I'm not Tay!I'm ZAC!Everything's Tay this, and Tay that!I'm sick of it!I-"he stopped suddenly,noticing that he was yelling at his mom."Okay.Zachary.That's it,"She said."WHAT?What's it?"He kept asking her. "I'm sending you to a psycologist.There is something seriously wrong with you and-"He cut her off again.""You're sending me WHERE?To a psycologist?MOM!No! I'm not crazy...just-Oh I don't know,""That's why we have to send you.We're gonna find out what's wrong with you.And-"Zac ran out of the room and up to his room. He turned the radio on really loud sat down on his bed, ignoring everyone. Then Ike came into the room,looked over at Zac,with his face filled with confusion. The radio was still blaring.He went over and turned it off.He looked at Zac again, and he continued to stare out the window."Uh...Zac?Come in Zac...Earth to Zac..." He tried but it was no use."Zac is no longer on speaking terms with anyone in this family,"He said sharply.Ike rolled his eyes and walked out of the room. Soon,Mackie wandered into the room.Zac didn't even know he was there until he started talking and chanting "hi Zacky!"Zac stopped staring at the ceiling. He sat up and faced him.Mackie smiled an angelic-looking smile at Zac.Then he said "Zacky,why you not talk?"Zac didn't wanna be bothered,but he made an exception of his little brother Mackenzie."Mac,life is so weird,"he said with a sigh. Little Mackie had no clue of what his older brother Zac was talking about. "Weird!"He said laughing.Zac was now looking out the window again."I mean, Taylor is everything...he's this and he's that...and I'm the one who follows in his footsteps,"he sighed again.Mackie still looked blank."Oh what do I expect you to do about my problems?"Mackenzie laughed and said,"Tay's like you...a weirdo!"They both started laughing.And Zac was still really confused."I don't know,"He said. And the truth was, he didn't.Everything was so confusing in Zac's mind.

§~ Chapter6 A Bit Of Emptiness ~§ It was now later on that night.Zac,who had skipped dinner and still refused to associate with any member of the family,walked downstairs.He was wearing only boxers and a t-shirt, He walked into the kitchen,and opened the fridge,in search of something to munch on. "Hungry?"Asked Taylor as he entered the dark kitchen.Zac grabbed a Sunny D and shut the door. "Is that all you're gonna have?"Taylor asked,amazed."Well,what do you care?"Zac asked "Look Zac,what is up with you?You're complaining over every single thing,"Tay said."NOTHING,"Zac snapped."Whatever",said Tay,leaving the room.Zac finished his drink and went back upstairs."How could he understand?"Zac asked himself."How could anyone understand?"He was just getting more and more confused.After finishing his drink, he went back upstairs,and decided to draw.He wasn't gonna even think or consider watching a movie in the living room with everyone else.He drew these weird-looking people,and then started laughing over his creation.After he calmed down,he walked over to his closet.He opened the door and something fell on his head. "Dammit,"he said.picking up the box that was on the floor.He opened it,and inside was a piece of paper in which he'd written,"Zac & Liz".Funny thing was,for a minute he couldn't remember who Liz was.He sat on his bed,and it all came back to him.The night at Hershey Park...the three girls...Liz...He sighed.Life couldn't get any more complicated.That whole night he could not stop thinking of the girl he left behind.The girl he'd never see again.The girl--who's name was Liz.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~§ The Next Day §~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"Zac,you are going,"Diana said parked in front of the psycologist's office."Mom,no.This is insane,stupid,weird,and most of all uneccessary.,"Zac started to say."Don't give me an attitude,Zac.You're coming--and that's final."She got out the car,and Zac said "Sure thing."Zac looked around the waiting room,while Diana went to talk to the receptionest.All he saw were all these wacko people.She walked back over to him,and said that they could see him now."Go on Zac.This will all be over soon.Now hurry up.Go ON."Zac looked at her as if to say "you've got to be kidding me,".But she just smiled. Reluctantly,Zac got up and pushed through a big set of doors.He decided to be nosey,and peek through a buncha doors.Behind one of them,there was a man lying in a chair with an ice pack over his head.He was crying."Weirdo,"Zac whispered and quickly shut the door.He was trying to find a place to hide,when a tall man put his hand on his shoulder."Zac?"he asked."Yeah..."his voice squeaked."Come along I understand you sing?"he said."Yeah,"he felt very uneasy as the man practically had to drag him down the hall. "Now let's're in a band,aren't you?"the docter asked him all kinds of questions about the band. They entered a room and Zac felt very unsure of what his mom had drug him into."So I understand something's been on your mind. What is it?"he asked.Zac sat down.He wasn't crazy...and had no idea of what was gonna happen next.

........................~~~~~~§ Tay §~~~~~~................................ " can't mix cookie dough in a blender.Amanda laughed. They were both making cookies,and were having a hard time too.Now Taylor started to laugh."Why not?There's a button that says "mix" right here,"he pointed out. Amanda looked at him with desperate eyes,then burst into laughter."What,oh,what would I do without you?"She told him,still laughing."I think you'd have to find a new best friend,"he replied with a to die for smile."So...tell me something,"he said,from his spot sitting on the counter.She didn't bother to look up from the box for more directions."What is it with you and Jake?"he asked. Amanda looked up from the box."What do you mean?"She asked."I mean,you've just been spending so much time with him,"He finished."Oh that.Well,Tay,you're not exactly available these days,"she started to say."It's the whole career thing,"Tay finished for her.Amanda smiled at him."But no matter what,Taylor,you'll always be my #1 best friend.Okay?"She kept on smiling."Yeah."he replied.But that wasn't the answer he was looking for."Damnet!ThAT IS IT!I'VE HAD IT!"Isaac said after hanging up the phone. "Damnet Isaac,what the hell is wrong with you?"Amanda said."I have been tryin to call Danni ever since I've gotten home--and she's never freakin' home!She's been avoiding me or something.Everything's so freakin messed up right now,"He said. "Okay.So Amanda you wanna go shopping with me tomorrow?"Tay said."Yeah,sure," she said putting the cookies in the oven."Hey I'm coming too!"Ike said."Aww... sure you can come Ikeypoo!"She ran over to him and hugged him,and then kissed his cheek... which made both Tay and Ike blush...Tay watched her...feeling pure jealousy.

............~~~~§ Zac §~~~~.............. "I don't know.It seems as if Taylor is everything,"Zac said to the docter. "What feelings do you feel towards your brother,Zac?Is it that you want to somehow take revenge on him?"He asked."WHAT?No!!Why would I wanna do that? Tay's my brother and one of my best friends...I just wished that people wouldn't think he's so great,that's all,"He finished.The doctor looked at him for a minute."Ah.I see that you're lacking something.I'm not exactly sure what. But as time will come to you.And when it comes,you should feel happy and complete,"he said.He smiled at Zac."So,am I done?"he asked."Yes Zac.I will be calling you're mother later on tonight,"he told him."OK.Bye," he stood up,and they started walking back to the waiting room."Okay Zac.Bye.I will be seeing you again,"the dr. said."Ok.Bye,"he walked to his mom and looked at her,with his eyes saying,"Ok,Mom,we can go now." They left the room and drove home....

§~ Chapter 7...Depression ~§ "No...come back...stop...don't go..."Zac cried.Tay cracked open his eyes and looked over at his brother with tears spilling from his eyes.He would twitch and roll over every so often."Zac,"Tay whispered." was her.She came back,"He whined."Uh...Zac?"he said again,knowing something was seriously wrong. It wasn't every night when Zac dreampt,let alone with tears.Taylor sat up and rubbed his eyes."Zac,"He asked again.All of a sudden the lights flashed on and Tay fell out of bed.SMACK.He fell face first onto the floor."What's wrong?Who's crying?" Diana was standing in the doorway,looking very concerned.She looked at Tay."It's Zac,"he pointed out.She walked over to him and shook him gently."Zac...Zac,honey,wake up.Zac,wake up.It's a dream.Wake up."He sat up,cracking his eyes open."I saw her," She was there,and-""Saw who,little brother?"Tay asked him."I yhink I'm gonna be sick," He said,dashing out of the room.Diana's face filled with worry."TAY,"She said. He already laid back down."Mom,It'sthree in the morning.WHAT?"he asked,with his face buried in the pillow."Go check on your brother.We aren't the best of friends these days,"she asked with pity in her voice."Oh ok,"he got up and said to himself ;Isaac never had to do this.He's still not home.""Zac.Where the hell are you.Then he saw the bathroom light turn on,and the door slammed in his face."Zac,"he whined,knocking on the door.He was half-awake.*BLAH*he heard.Zac was obviously sick.He was hurling in the bathroom.

"Tay go away.You don't understand.And you never will,"Zac said.

"Sorry Zac,but I was sent down here,"Tay replied.

"Oh great,I DON'T need a baby-sitter."

Tay was confused."Zac,you're making this so uneasy for me.What the hell were you dreaming about?"

"Why does it matter?I'm never gonna see her again,"Zac said.

"What?Who?Who are you never gonna see again?"Taylor said.The girl,Liz, had totally slipped his mind.

"Talor,just leave,"Zac sounded very impatient.

"Okay.Fine.I'm going,"he walked back into his bedroom and fell back asleep.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~§ THE NEXT DAY §~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Well,well,well..."Tay said with a sneaky smile.Ike was asleep on the couch. "Hey,Ike...out late last night?"Tay said."Shut the hell up Taylor.If mom finds out I'm dead,"He said.

"Well,where did you go?"Tay was being nosey.

"A party...with friends...hoping that Danni would be there..."he started.

"And...any luck?"Tay asked.

"Nope.Whenever I call her,she's never home, I go to her house hoping she'd be there,and she's not,and..."he stopped talkin.

"Dude,she's definately avoiding you.

"Oh just you wait Taylor."

"Huh?" Tay asked.

"I said you just wait Mr.Single.Wait til you have a girlfriend,"Ike said.

"OK then..."Tay said."Well,that's you Ike...We're two completely differant people.Tay pointed out.

"Yeah that's true,"Ike sighed.

"Soon Zac came downstairs."Hey,Zac,you ok?"said Diana.

"Yeah.Thanx for asking,"He replied.

"Oh ok...well,you just take it easy today.Ok?"She started to look weird."No, actually I'm going to Sean's today,"he said."Oh that's great!Well,have fun!"Diana said looking rather happy."Okay...C-ya,"Zac said,a little confused at the excitement in his mother's eyes.

§~~~~~~LATER THAT DAY~~~~~~~§ "No,Sean,you are too gross,"Zac said.Sean stared at him like he was crazy. "WHAT?Alls I said was that her shirt was almost off."Zac still looked grossed out."Zac,come on.I'm not lying,"he said again."Ok..whatever you say."Okay.Enuf about her.What do you wanna do?I'm bored.What do ya wanna do?"Sean asked."I dunno," ?Wanna go rollerblading?"Zac asked."NO!!"He took it Sean did not wanna go rollerblading.

"Oh I know.Wanna ride bikes?"Zac was in no mood to argue. They got they're bikes and rode to the store for some sodas.They went in and Zac was lookin around while Sean went for the drinks.A while later,a girl...very older than Zac...told him,"Hi Zac.How's your brother?"He looked up and said,"Uh... I know you?"He asked her.She laughed."I'm A.J.Greenhff,"She said.Zac had to keep from laughing at her last name."Okay.Which brother?"he asked her. "Zac,I'm talking about Isaac,"She seemed kinda snobby."OK.I've gotta go,Just tell Ike I said hi."She said while walking away.Damn,she's a bitch,Zac thought to himself."Hey Moron,you ready?"Sean asked."Yeah.Born ready.Let's go,"Zac said. They both laughed.


It was a month later,and everyone had changed in they're own ways. Zac's depression was gone.Tay was really starting to like/like Amanda,and Ike and Danni were on the verge of being "HISTORY".And Diana agreed to let her three oldest sons go to school,along with Amanda.And they were to start the next day.

"Taylor,it's fine,"Amanda said,looking at Tay as he decided which shirt to wear to school."I dunno..."he sighed.

"Taylor,I'm telling ya it looks fine,"She snapped,laughing at Tay's expression.

?"Okay,loverboy I have to go," Manda said."What?Why?"Tay said.

"Because the new neighbors are coming over for dinner.And I gotta be there,"She answered.

"What?Andrew and Nick aren't enuf?" Tay said,referring toher 17-year-old twin brothers.

"Yeah...funny,"She said standing up."OK then..sit with me on the bus tomorrow,"Tay said to her.

"Taylor! you know everyone that goes to the school,"She said walking down the stairs,with Tay behind her.

"I know.I just wanna sit with ya,"He said.They both smiled.

"Sure,ok.Bye Tay,"She said to him,kissing his cheek.

"Bye,"He replied,and somehow he REALLY REALLY REALLY wanted that kiss to be on the lips,and he didn't know why.


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