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Drug Class Examples Mechanisms of Action
Drugs Used To Alter Moods and States of Consciousness
STIMULANTS (produce psychomotor arousal; treat attention deficit disorder
Sympathomimetics Dextroamphetamine Methylphenidate Monoamine (DA & NE) agonist; increase release; block re-uptake
Cholinomimetics Nicotine Muscarine Ach (acetylcholine) agonist (high dose blocks)
Xanthines Caffeine (recommended 200mg/day; one cup = 90-150mg) Theophylline Block adenosine receptors; GABA antagonist
Convulsants Strychnine Glycine antagonist
DEPRESSANTS (produce sedation; treat pain, anxiety, sleep disorders)
Opioids Morphine Ether Endogenous opiate agonist
Barbiturates Secobarbital GABA agonist
Barbiturate-like Meprobamate Similar to barbiturates
Organic solvents Alcohol Ether Disrupt neuronal membrane; may facilitate GABA
HALLUCINOGENIC (produce distorted perception)
NE-like (norepinephrine) Mescaline Alter 5HT activity
5HT-like (serotonin) LSD Alter 5HT activity
Other Marijuana Anti-cholinergics, PCP Alter 5HT activity
Drugs Used to Treat Psychological Disorders
ANTIPSYCHOTICS (treat schizophrenis; also delirium and dementia)
Phenothiazines Chlorpromazine Block DA receptors
Butyrophenones Haloperidol Block DA receptors
Other Clozapine Block DA receptors
ANTIDEPRESSANTS (treat depression and bipolar disorder)
Tricyclics (secondary amines) Tricyclics (tertiary amines) Nortriptyline Imipramine Clomipramine Block NE re-uptake Block 5HT re-uptake Block 5HT re-uptake
Heterocyclics Fluoxetine Block NE & %HT re-uptake

Last Updated on 11/22/2003
By David K. Irwin
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