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  1. SAMHSA - Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration
  2. Aids as Social Blackmail
  3. CESAR - Center For Substance Abuse Research
  4. CDC - National Prevention Information Network
  5. Department of Health and Human Resources
  6. Indian Health Service
  7. Indiana Prevention Resource Center
  8. Join Together Online - Excellent help offered in many areas of need.
  9. MADD
  10. NCADI - National Clearinghouse for Alcohol and Drug Information - Prevline
  11. NIAAA - National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism
  12. NIDA - National Institute on Drug Abuse - Has been reliable since1974
  13. NIH - National Institute of Health
  14. Needle Sharing is Greater Disease Risk Factor Than Sex - Article
  15. Some very interesting drug FAQs
  16. Steph's Recovery Resource Place - Good stuff and great links
  17. Trimbos-Instituut - Netherlands Institute of Mental Health and Addictions
  18. National Library of Medicine - **NEW** Medline plus
  19. Physician's Home Page - very, very informative!
  20. Mental Health Medications - This site is sooooooo good!! There is every thing you need to know on medications here.
  21. Mental Health Internet Links - If you didn't find what you need here, go to this's OUTSTANDING.
  22. MORE LINKS - This will keep you busy!!!



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