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URL's Worth Looking At

Most of these creations are my own. The others give credit to their authors. Some, however, do not give proper credit to the creator(s) due mostly to my ignorance of who they are, when it was written and any or all-copyright laws attached. In a case like this, I give my deepest regrets. If any person knows any reason why a URL should be removed from my table of contents and/or if any person should desire to enlighten me as to an author(s) name that I may give the appropriate credit, I would greatly appreciate an informative email with the subject line "URL content" and an explanation of the problem or suggestion.

Thank you,



I hope you enjoy these as much as I enjoy bringing them to you


The following URL's are my own creations. Some of the material comes from friends and some is my own. I have given credit where possible. Please enjoy...



Mickey Rooney's words of wisdom.



Things That Remind Us Of God



The Doll and the White Rose



Guardian Angel



Michael - The easy guy to hate



Who Are You?



Jesus Sat With Us - My children and I Pray Together



A Devotional Poem to My Mother



Prophecy, Vision, or Just Plain Bunk - You Decide



Days Alone - A poem about cocaine



On The Road of Life - With Jesus as my guide






The area below is dedicated to the many talented folks out there who pour out their souls regularly so that the rest of us may become wiser and more at peace with our inner being. May God bless you all and do keep up the excellent work.

Want your favorite URL listed here? Email me the address and I will look at it. If I like it...I'll add it (don't worry...I'm the opposite of Mikey...I like everything!).

Again, enjoy...



WORLD TRADE CENTER - 7 Amazing pages of photos of people from around the world mourning our losses at the World Trade Center



Amazing Grace



Newborn Laughing



The Eleventh Commandment



Beauty - by Thundermist



And It Was So - Wonderfully Humorous



Splinters From The Cross - totally awesome links page



Were You Colder Than This? -Warm your heart here









Send Me Your Comments, Criticisms, Favorite URL address (one per person...thanks) or just say HELLO




This page was created by David K. Irwin, owner of "Recovery Resources" and was last updated on November 11, 2003. I hope, through my efforts, that I can bring joy and happiness to others who suffer, as I did, from addiction.

A Prayer For All

May you walk through this life gently guided by the Hands of God and in the glorious light of Jesus Christ with the Holy Ghost in your heart while being mindful of the needs of others. Amen

Ask not for the things you do not have...but rather, Praise the Lord for what you do have and He will provide for all your needs now and throughout eternity. dki

God bless you all and live happy.
