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The "Why's" and "How's"



Much of the information that follows is taken directly from the book How to Pray by R.A. Torrey. This book was given to me by my very good friends Gary and Andrea Hammer to increase my God given powers and rights. I have added my knowledge from the Bible and from ministers I have met along my path. Now, I pass this knowledge on to you to strengthen your potentialities. However, I strongly suggest that you add this book to your library. It is priceless.

Table of Contents:



Why Pray at all?



How to Pray to God.

Obeying the Lord and Praying…How do they fit together?

Pray in the name of Christ.

We must pray "In The Spirit".

Praying Through

Hindrances to Prayer.



Why Pray At All?

So, what exactly is meant by, Pray at all times in the Spirit, with all prayer and supplication. To that end keep alert with all perseverance, making supplication for all the saints. Ephesians 6: 18

It means there is a necessity for persistent prayer. If only people and the church would take to heart the words To that end keep alert... or more pragmatically stated, "In this, be not lazy"!

"Why" you ask?

I'll tell you why...BECAUSE THERE IS A DEVIL!

"He is cunning; he is mighty; he never rests; he is continually plotting the downfall of the child of God. If the child of God relaxes in prayer, the devil will succeed in ensnaring him." For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. Ephesians 6: 12. And, as stated in Ephesians 6: 13, you must ...take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand. If you read on in the scriptures, you are told of the different parts of the Christians armor we are to put on to withstand the onslaught of Satan and his mighty wiles.

The only reason the church and the people lack in what they want is due to the "Neglect of prayer. You have not, because you ask not."

Jesus Christ spent a great deal of time in prayer. Every spare moment was spent talking to His father and in prayer for the people of this world. Now, He sits at the right hand of the Father our God and His duties are the same as they were here on earth. Jesus is our interpreter, our message-carrier, our steppingstone to heaven...I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. John 14: 6. In other words, all of our prayers should be directed towards Jesus and not the Lord God Almighty. It is only through Jesus that we are able to talk to God and it is only through Jesus that our prayers can be answered. Verily, verily, I say unto you, he that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father. And whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. If ye shall ask any thing in my name, I will do it. John 14: 12-14. The crucial word is "believeth". You have to truly believe that what you ask for can and will be given in love.

Do you know someone who is totally at peace with themselves, their life, and their surroundings at all times? So satisfied that the happiness can be felt through a handshake? Shining so brightly that their eyes positively twinkle? Their voice so powerful, although barely spoken, that everyone hears what they say? I guarantee you that this same person is in constant touch with Jesus through prayer.

When Jesus was taken into the Heavens to sit with God, the Lord gave us a new "Comforter"...the Holy Ghost! And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you for ever; Even the Spirit of truth; whom the world cannot receive, because it seeth him not, neither knoweth him: but ye know him; for he dwelleth with you, and shall be in you. John 14: 16,17. "Prayer is the method that God Himself has appointed for our obtaining the Holy Spirit."

We must pray in order to be ready for the return of Christ. "Prayer is the means that Christ has appointed so that our hearts will not be overcome with indulgence and drunkenness and the cares of this life. For, the day of Christ's return will come upon us suddenly as a snare." It is one thing to talk about or counsel over the return of Christ, but quite another thing to be prepared for His return. The only way to prepare is to pray, pray, pray!

Prayer is the best means of converting non-believers. I was saved through the prayers of a church group in which a friend was a member. They prayed constantly for my salvation from drugs and the renewal and rebirth of my Christianity. My friend had been after me to spend a day in church with him for a year and I always found an excuse not to go when Sunday rolled around. Then, one Saturday, he called and asked if I would consider helping him do some work at the church. I figured that would be safe and said I would go. When we arrived, he took me in to meet the pastor and this man was so filled with the Spirit that he simply oozed the power of Christ. He asked if I would accept Christ back into my life and I said I would. I was born again.




 How to Pray to God.

The secret of successful prayer is really quite simple. In fact, it sounds so simple as to be ridiculous. All that a person need do is pray "Unto God". I know, the first thing you are saying is "Aren't all prayers unto God?" The answer is, no! Actually, most prayers are not even said in the conscious presence of God. He is considered a far-off entity at best and most prayers are said to a letter almost.

We need to have God right in the same room with us, bending over us and listening, interacting with what we say. If God is not a conscious entity who is present during our prayer we had just as well not pray at all. People today have the tendency to let their minds wander while they pray. Thinking perhaps of the things they want, the pain or anger they feel, or, worst of all, the uselessness of prayer robs our efforts of power.


To have "Power In Your Prayer" you must come literally come into the presence of the Lord during your prayer. Really sit down with Him face to face and present to Him definite and detailed desires that you seek from Him. Then you will have POWER in your prayer. Most of us simply jump right into our prayers as though the Lord had nothing better to do than sit around waiting and listening for us to speak when in reality, we must bring God into our presence before beginning to pray in earnest. To do this, we must move close to Him through the Holy Spirit. We should ask the Holy Spirit to present our prayers "Unto God". We need to not only believe that He is listening, but that He is present and with us during our prayers. Not in some far-off realm with omnipotent powers to hear and see all...Right In The Room With US!!

The second secret to successful praying is to "Pray Without Ceasing". Prayer was made without ceasing of the church unto God for him. Acts 12: 5. In the Revised Standard Version of the bible, "without ceasing" is rendered "earnest." Neither one of these two English translations do the Greek word justice. In Greek, the word literally means, "stretched-out-ed-ly." "It is a pictorial word and wonderfully expressive. It represents the soul on a stretch of earnest and intense desire." Perhaps, the closest word in the English language would be "intensely." The point here is that we, as a people, do not normally put our hearts into our prayers. We simply rush into the presence of the Lord, make our pleas', say our thanks, and then abruptly leave. If, an hour later, we were asked exactly what we said, chances are we would not remember. "When we learn to come to God with an intensity of desire that wrings the soul, then we will know a power in prayer that most of us do not know now."


Obeying the Lord and praying...How do they fit together?

In 1 John 3: 22, it is said by John, And whatsoever we ask, we receive of Him, because we keep His commandments and do those things that are pleasing in His sight.

Here lies one of the greatest mistakes that uninformed Christians make when setting about praying. Many a pietistic Christian has given up his faith because his prayers go unanswered time and time again. We stand in the sight of God and pray, feeling His divine presence and attention, yet the prayers seemingly fall on deaf ears. Soon, our faith is shattered and our anger falls on the Lord...blaming Him for not answering our pleas.

However, in 1 John 3: 22 it is clearly stated that ...we receive of Him, because those things that are pleasing in His sight. If we shy away from His commands and hedge on His beliefs, it is most likely that He will not answer our prayers. Look to your self for the answers to unanswered prayers before turning the blame towards our Maker!

"If we want power in prayer, we must be earnest students of His Word to find out what His will regarding us is. Then having found it, we must do it. One unconfessed act of disobedience on our part will shut the ear of God against many petitions." We are not only asked to listen and obey His goes beyond that. We are expected to do "pleasing" things for the Lord that are not specifically stated or implied in the Bible. We are to take that extra step, walk the extra mile, climb the next mountain, or whatever else it takes to please the Lord above and beyond the call of our brethren or our church. Our efforts toward God's will are our answer to powerful prayer.

Now, let's talk of "Truth" in our praying. Psalm 145: 18 sheds some light on this subject...The Lord is nigh unto all them that call upon Him, to all that call upon Him in truth.

Simple words they truth. Or are they? Many a woman, believing herself (or really being) a good Christian, prays for the conversion of her husband. If she stopped and thought about what true conversion involves, she most likely would not be praying for it to happen. For true conversion may call for the husband to quit his job and actively seek a greater way to please the Lord such as becoming a minister in a foreign country or taking up a ministry in the slums of some city. Truthfully, this upheaval and cut in income is not what the wife desires. A more truthful prayer may be to ask the Lord to make her husband a more caring, God fearing, and respectful person. We must be completely truthful in our our heart of hearts...for prayer to work. We must also be very specific in our requests.


Pray in the Name of Christ.

Jesus taught in parables all the time for the better understanding of his audiences. The book How to Pray uses a superb parable to bring "Praying in the Name of Christ" into focus. I will try to condense the book's version without sacrificing the meaning .

If I were to go to a bank in which I had no funds with a check of mine and try to get cash, the bank would refuse payment. That's easy enough to understand. Now, if I go to that same bank with a check from one of their main depositors, I am instantly rewarded with money.

When I go to the bank of heaven, I have nothing deposited there. I have absolutely no credit there. If I go in my own name, I am given nothing in return. However, Jesus has unlimited credit in heaven and He has given me the right to make withdrawals in His name. Therefore, if I bring the Lord Jesus into my presence and pray through Him (as the account holder), I will see the results of my prayers being answered.

During the years I was a drug addict, I prayed for forgiveness for my sins; I prayed to feel better; I prayed for financial aid; I prayed for abstinence; I prayed for nearly everything without so much as one answer. Had it not been for an industrious guardian angel, I surely would have died. My prayers were self-centered and I never asked Jesus to forgive me of my sins first. When I finally did ask Jesus for forgiveness and ask Him to come back into my life, I was granted an immediate audience with God and total abdication of the sins I carried within me. My body tingled with the cleanliness of the Holy Spirit.

And this is the confidence that we have in Him, that, if we ask any thing according to His will, He heareth us: and if we know that He hear us, whatsoever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we desired of Him. John 5: 14-15. In other words, we must pray according to God's will...not in the manner we choose to pray. For example, when I pray to God for wisdom, I know that this is given to me as God's will in the bible. If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him. James 1: 5. And I fully expect to get results from this prayer. However, only knowing what I consider wisdom and not knowing what God considers wisdom, my expectations are ambiguous at best. I do know that the Lord has granted me the wisdom to make it through school with not just passing grades, but straight A's in my major. To me this is a true gift from God. If we look to the Bible for the gifts and promises of the Lord and then ask for them in total confidence that we shall receive the gift, it will be ours!

The Lord has acknowledged and allowed for the fact that we need to pray for things other than specific gifts from God. In light of this, He has granted us a manner of prayer through the Holy Spirit in Romans 8: 26-27. Likewise the Spirit also helpeth our infirmities: for we know not what we should pray for as we ought: but the Spirit itself maketh intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered; and He that searcheth the hearts knoweth what is the mind of the Spirit, because He maketh intercession for the saints according to the will of God. I have encountered this type of prayer many times when praying for people whom I counsel over the Internet and ICQ. The groaning comes forth in the form of prayer for I sometimes know not what to say for lack of familiarity with the person or their family. The Lord knows what needs to be said though and the message is sent forth in a groaning, unintelligible utterance from the Holy Spirit within. If you should encounter this in your prayer, do not fear it...embrace it, for truly the Spirit is with you when this happens.


We Must Pray "In the Spirit".


Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit

Ephesians 6: 18


Praying in the Holy Ghost

Jude 20


We are only human and therefore, we need to recognize our infirmities as the disciples did when they came unto Jesus proclaiming, "Lord, teach us to pray." When we come into the presence of the Lord to pray we should know and understand that we need the help of the Holy Spirit to teach us how to pray.

When I pray, I first await the presence of the Lord in silence and contemplation. Many times, I need an aid to do this such as reading from the Bible. When I feel that I am with the Lord, I look to His face and the heavens and pray that the Holy Ghost will make my wishes known and understood to God and also that the Spirit will teach me the correct way to pray. When we pray in the Spirit, we will automatically pray for the right things. The Spirit moves on me quickly most of the time...but there have been times when I have found it difficult to pray for days on end. During these droughts (for surely I thirst without prayer), I find myself looking for answers and many times feel my faith is in question..."Have I sinned?"..."Have I offended thee, oh Lord?"...And I have even questioned His faith..."Have you forsaken me Lord?" Ultimately, I find myself once again in the presence of the Lord and I catch myself wondering how I could have been so parsimonious.

How easily our faith is shaken and how easily we can find ourselves blaming the Lord for not caring or not listening or not answering our cries for help. So, where does our faith come from? The answer lies in Romans 10: 17: So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.

First, we must learn what the promises are and the only way is to read them for your self in the Holy Bible. Secondly, and many find this very hard to do, you simply have to believe in His promises with all your heart and soul. Let me put it this way...Trying to believe in something that you want to believe in just doesn't cut it. Only true belief in the promise and the Word of God constitutes faith. Finally, faith also is rendered unto us through the Spirit for the Spirit knows the Will of God. If you are having troubles with your faith, pray to the Spirit to guide you into faith and to supplement your prayers and faith will be given to you. The Word of God is given for us to choose whether to believe or not. When we question our own faith or when we question the truth in the Word of God, we make God out to be a liar. Personally, I don't want to go there!


Praying Through

How many times have you prayed for something and then, when you don't get an answer to your prayer, given up on the prayer? During my life as a drug addict, I must have given up on nearly every prayer I ever said. My excuses ranged from, "God isn't listening today" to "I am a sinner and will never have a prayer answered." And there are a million excuses in-between.

Jesus loved the persistent people of His time. He was not too concerned whether or not they were Christian for it was their persistence in belief itself that drew His eye. Jesus looked upon these people as being excellent recruits because once converted to Christianity they would be ceaseless in their pursuit of prayer and holiness. This is brought to light in Luke 18: 1-8: And He spake a parable unto them to this end, that men ought always to pray, and not to faint; Saying, There was in a city a judge, which feared not God, neither regarded man: And there was a widow in that city; and she came unto him, saying, Avenge me of mine adversary. And he would not for a while: but afterward he said within himself, Though I fear not God, nor regard man; Yet because this widow troubleth me, I will avenge her, lest by her continual coming she weary me. And the Lord said, Hear what the unjust judge saith. And shall not God avenge His own elect, which cry day and night unto Him, though He bear long with them? I tell you that He will avenge them speedily. Nevertheless when the Son of man cometh, shall He find faith on the earth? Jesus admired and complimented this woman on her persistency of nature knowing her faith was mighty.

So , what does this tell us? Well, for one thing it tells us that we are expected to continue our prayers even though the solutions don't readily produce themselves. God delights in the prayerful person who is persistent in his belief enough to not give up on prayer. We must pray "Through" things until the end. We must pray continually for God's sake! There are those who will say to you that it is blasphemy to pray more than once for something. That you are wasting God's time and patience with repetitive prayer for He is all-knowing and need not be reminded or asked more than the one time. This is utter nonsense. The bible says we must pray through things ceaselessly in matters of importance. For example praying for the saints...if we only need pray for things once we should not worry each prayer with a word for our saints. See how foolish this is?

I spoke earlier about "The Word of God" and His promises to us. There is another side to the word of God which involves "Abiding in the word of God." If ye abide in Me, and My words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you. John 15: 7

This is a mighty statement of faith ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you. It says there is a way of asking for and receiving exactly what we want. There are, however, two conditions included in this statement. The first condition says, If ye abide in Me. To explain this concept to His disciples, Jesus used a parable once again. He compared His relationship to them as a growing vine. At first there is Jesus, the vine. Then as the vine spreads outwardly it takes on new characteristics and directions that are compared to the disciples. However far they spread, individuate or mutate, they are still a part of the original vine and therefore they "abide in Jesus." What a magnificent concept this is! It is to say that the spreading vine branches (the disciples) had no independent life of their own. They are eternally dependent on the vine (Jesus) for their strength, nourishing and life forces. So, we are all continually dependent upon His inflow of life into us and the outworking of His life through us.

The second condition is, and My words abide in you. The meaning of this statement is that we must meditate on the words of Christ, reading and studying them in the bible so that we not only know them...they abide in us! This is to say that we think like Jesus and therefore we will act like Jesus. It is not enough simply to know the bible's words...we must live them in order to receive their gifts. This brings us to a whole new category...


Hindrances to Prayer

  1. Selfish prayers
  2. Ye ask, and receive not, because ye ask amiss, that ye may consume it upon your lusts. James 4: 3

    "A selfish purpose in prayer robs prayer of power." I will give you an example of selfish prayer from my own history. Many times when I was at a low...usually at the end of a 1-day to 2-weeek binge on cocaine, alcohol, pot and sex...I would try to open my miserable heart to Jesus with prayer asking for conversion back to better, purer faith. Inevitably, my prayer was self-centered at best. I would pray that I could quit drugs once and for all and be a good Christian again so my family would be better and my wife would respect me again. On the surface, this sounds like a fine enough thing to pray for. However, my true desires were to feel better about my self, my life, my family and my health.

    The true purpose in prayer is the glorification of God! And He is then glorified in the answer. If my motives in praying for this conversion were so that I could ennoble God in praise and spread His word and the ideals of Christianity, the Lord would have gladly granted my wishes. The other things would have followed naturally with the coming of the Spirit upon me and the fulfillment of God's work on earth.

    We need to be totally conscious of the true reasoning behind what we ask for. Another example: The wife of non-believer prayed ceaselessly for the conversion of her husband but never received an answer and he continued on as a heathen. Why? The answer lies in the fact that she wanted his conversion simply to make her life more convenient. So she wouldn't have to hide her beliefs and sneak to church and never have her church friends over to visit. If her true desire to convert her husband had been to give the Lord another vessel to carry His word and another person to sing His praise, He gladly would have granted this conversion to faith.

    So, look deep for the true meanings of your prayers and be specific in what you desire so that there is no ambiguity on the part of the Lord as to the purpose of the prayer.


    It happened late on the night of the 12th of August, 1999. I had been working all day on this paper about the how's and why's of praying and it was nearly midnight. For the last hour or so, I had been listening to my two daughters get louder and louder by the minute. It seemed the more tired they got, the giddier they got. I arose from my computer and walked into the living room where they had folded out the couch to sleep on. You see, the landlord was putting in a new window in the basement where their room is (an egress window) and it was a shambles. I told them it was time to settle down and get to sleep. We said good night and I went to the kitchen to get something to drink before retiring to my bedroom upstairs.

    Looking in the refrigerator, I spotted the grapefruit juice and took it out to pour a glass. As I turned to get a cup, my head suddenly began to spin and I felt faint. I remember my knees starting to buckle as I thought to myself, "What's happening to me?" Then I heard the voice of the Lord...not for first time in my life, but for the first time in a long time.

    The Lord said to me, "Go back and teach your children what you have learned." It wasn't a loud demand or an ultimatum. It was simply stated in a tone that left no other solution other than to do what was asked. Now, I knew why my head was spinning...the Spirit of the Lord had come mightily upon me with a desire to manifest the teachings of Jesus through me.

    I returned to the living room and stood by the girls and asked them if they had said their prayers yet tonight. They replied that they were just about to. I told them I would like to pray with them if it was all right. Then, I said there is a right way and a wrong way to pray. My eleven year old daughter, Jamie, said she was taught (by her mother and I) that you started a prayer with "now I lay me down to sleep..." and, when you finished that, she said you were supposed to pray for others. I told her that I had been reading a book called "How to Pray" and in the book it says you are supposed to sit quietly, eyes closed, and bring Jesus into the room with you.

    We all closed our eyes and I said, "just sit quietly for a minute." Then I said, "Imagine that Jesus is sitting with us...imagine God, Jesus, and the Holy Ghost all together here with us to pray."

    Jamie says, "Dad...I can see Jesus but I can't see the Holy Ghost."

    "Look at Jesus" I said. "Now look through Jesus."

    In joy she exclaimed, "I see Him now!"

    It was all I could do not to start bawling as the tears welled up in my eyes clouding my vision. I began to speak about who we are supposed to pray for...the saints, the world leaders, the ministry and the churches...when suddenly both children started to fire questions at me.

    From my eleven year old, "Why do we pray, dad?"

    From my thirteen year old, Deana, "What should I say if I want something?"

    Jamie again, "How much praying should I do? When do I know I'm done?"

    Realizing this wasn't going to be a praying session but rather a learning session, I quickly said, "Whoa there, one at a time."

    As we talked, I told them the things I have learned recently about praying and they listened in awe. Entranced by the words and hanging on every sentence, eager to ask the next question. As I spoke to them, I realized that Jesus was sitting with us, speaking through me to the children as He did so many times when He was working for God here on earth. It was as thrilling for Him as it was for me and I silently sang my praises to the Lord God Almighty.

    When the questions finally stopped, I beckoned the children to once again look to Jesus for dismissal and to thank Him for sitting with us. Then, the I-love-you's were passed back and forth with a little more meaning than usual and I remember looking at them laying there on the couch and seeing the twinkle in their half-closed eyes. That twinkle of bright shining Inner Light from theHoly Ghost within. I hadn't felt that good in a long, long time.

    I praised the Lord mightily that night in my bed as sleep crept over me. I often fall asleep while praying. But, the Lord wasn't done with me yet...! That night I dreamt I was running like the wind. You see, I can't run any more and never will again because of my injuries. But the good Lord treated me that night. I ran, and ran, and ran until I was going so fast my feet left the ground and I was flying. Flying like an angel through the heavens and I felt at home.



  3. Sin hinders prayer
  4. Behold, the Lord's hand is not shortened, that it cannot save...But your iniquities have separated between you and your God, and your sins have hid His face from you, that He will not hear. Isaiah 59: 1,2

    Simple enough to understand...Once again I draw from my own life an example. Throughout my drug life, I prayed for things that are supposed to be the word of God and given unto His believers. I have always been a believer but at that time I was also a sinner. I held in sins from the past that I had not asked for forgiveness from. I cherished sins in my life at the time of the prayers such as alcohol, drugs, gambling and much more.

    Sin not only hinders stops it dead in it's tracks!!!!!!

    "Anyone who finds his prayers unanswered should not think that what he asks of God is not according to His will. Instead, he should go alone to God with the Psalmist's prayer, Search me, O God, and know my heart: try me, and know my thoughts: and see if there be any wicked way in me (Psalm 139: 23-24). Wait before Him until He puts His finger upon the thing that is displeasing in His sight. Then, this sin should be confessed and put away."

  5. Who comes first?
  6. Son of man, these men have set up their idols in their heart, and put the stumbling block of their iniquity before their face: should I be inquired of at all by them? Ezekiel 14: 3. "Idols in the heart cause God to refuse to listen to our prayers."

    What, you might ask, constitutes an idol? That's really quite simple to answer. It's anything that holds a position higher than God is in our life. Some men made idols of their wife when they put her pleasure above the pleasure of God. Some women make idols of their children when they put the child's love above that of God's. Some people make an idol of their job by putting their reputation and position in a more important frame of mind than the position they reserve for God. Who, or what, is in the number one spot in your mind and heart?

  7. Give in order to receive
  8. Who so stoppeth his ears at the cry of the poor, he also shall cry himself, but shall not be heard. Proverbs 21: 13.

    The lack of generosity we show towards the poor and unto God's work is perhaps the one greatest hindrance to prayer. We are to give 10% of our earnings to our church or charity to sanction our wages. Come on many of you really pay this? Some say this is way to steep a price. So then, what price have you placed on salvation?

    Give, and it shall be given unto you; good measure, pressed down, and shaken together, and running over, shall men give into your bosom. For with the same measure that ye mete withal it shall be measured to you again. Luke 6: 38. "The generous man is the mighty man of prayer. The stingy man is the powerless man of prayer."

  9. An unforgiving spirit
  10. And when ye stand praying, forgive, if ye have aught against any: that your Father also which is in heaven may forgive you your trespasses. Mark 11: 25.

    Anyone who is holding ill feelings about someone else has deafened the ear of God to their prayers for He "...cannot deal with us on the basis of forgiveness while we are harboring ill will against those who have wronged us." Remember whom judgement belongs to and do not overstep your bounds. We are on this earth to receive from God and give what we receive immediately to others. We should neither harbor ill nor God's gifts. Rather we shall give an outpouring of His will unto others for Christ's sake.

  11. Husband and wife relationship
  12. Likewise, ye husbands, dwell with (your wives) according to knowledge, giving honour unto the wife, as unto the weaker vessel, and as being heirs together of the grace of life; that our prayers be not hindered. 1 Peter 3: 7.

    This passage says that a wrong relationship between husband and wife is a hindrance to prayer. Husband and wife both need to spread their relationship out openly in front of God and ask Him to put His finger on their actions that are hindering their prayers. A loving and respectful marriage on both sides of the coin is needed for a clear passage of prayer unto the Lord.

  13. Believe His word absolutely

But if any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him. But let him ask in faith, nothing wavering. For he that wavereth is like a wave of the sea driven with wind and tossed. For let not that man think that he shall receive any thing of the Lord. James 1: 5-7.

We often go with prayer unto the Lord for things that are absolutely given by His word. Yet, we go in disbelief. We pray half-heartedly in doubt that this will really be given unto us.

When this type of praying comes before the Lord it is offensive to Him for you virtually are saying, "Lord, you are a liar." You doubt and therefore you don't believe His word. Why should He answer this prayer?

Pray in total belief that the Lord wants you to have all things that He has so graciously given unto man. Hold that faith up to the Lord as a bright shining candle and make a claim unto Him for what is rightfully yours. Amen.