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PSYKOBLAST 1998 @ Paramount Canada's Wonderland

Well me and my 2 cousins lined up at the Wonderland gates at a quarter to 8am on Saturday morning. We got 8th row seats. We had an awesome view. Those were way better than my upper level seats from last year! Anyway, we spent all morning listening to music and doing basically anything to pass the time. Serial Joe (an awesome Canadian band) were there and they were signing autographes and talking to fans but had to leave because too many people were surrounding them. I almost got an autograph but ended up only waving and saying hi to Ryan, who said hi back!! He's such a cuttie!

Then at 2pm the fun started! First Billie came on. She's a good dancer and has a great voice for a 15 year old! She sang 2 songs and then No Authority came on! Wow is a good way to describe them. Danny was wearing a white muscle shirt and blue jeans with a white stripe down the side. Eric was wearing a blue shirt and beige pants and Ric was wearing a tight black shirt with a silver shirt overtop and black and white vinyl pants. They all looked really good! They started out with "Don't Stop" followed by, "One More Time" and "Up and Down" During "One More Time" Eric leaned over and kissed a girl who was sitting in the front row. Danny also put on his dark blue Nike hat and he looked really hot with the hat on! That lucky girl!! The guys sounded great and they were very entertaining. Then they left and The Moffatts came out.

Scott was wearing a white shirt and blue army pants, Clint was wearing a psyko blast t-shirt and black shorts, Dave was wearing a white shirt underneath a blue long sleeved shirt with blue jeans and Bob was wearing a bright blue shirt and pants. They started with "Let's Party" then played "Say'n I Love You", "One More Chance", "Here She Goes", "I'll Be There For You", "Miss You Like Crazy", "If Life Is So Short", Then they inroduced each other. Scott introduced Dave as "The Loudman, Dave Moffatt", Bob as "The rythem myster, Bob Moffatt" and Clint as "The soul man, Clint Moffatt". Then Clint introduced Scott as "Our older brother who we call Elvis, Scott Moffatt.quot; Then Bob did a long drum solo while the others left the stage, then tried to quietly sneak back on. Then they played "Wild At Heart", Then everyone came back on stage and the Moffatts played "I'll Be There For You" again while the first show came to an end. The guys from No Authority, especially Danny, sang along with the Moffatts, and everyone danced around. Ric and Eric were dancing with Billie.

During the commercial breaks of the first show, No Authority talked to the crowd and picked up some of the things thrown on-stage and The Moffatts just talked to one another and to their dad, who looks a lot like Clint and Bob!

Well, between the 1st and 2nd shows me and one of my cousins walked around and tried to win ourselves a Moffatts or No Authority signed poster but needless to say, we didn't win!

Then at 5:30pm the second show started. Again, it started with Billie who sang 2 songs and then No Authority came out. This time Danny was wearing a red shirt and red army pants, Eric was wearing a long-sleeved black shirt with an orange vest and blue track pants. Ric was wearing an entire black and white vinyl outfit. They started out with "Don't Stop" again then they sang "Girlfriend" and "She Drives Me Crazy". The guys stripped during "She Drives Me Crazy". Ric just took off the top part of his vinyl suit and had on his tight black shirt. Danny took off his shirt and pants and was left wearing a psyko blast t-shirt with the sleeves ripped off and black shorts. Eric took off the vest and pants and was now wearing a black shirt and green army shorts. They put on a great performance and then they got off the stage and the Moffatts came out again.

This time Scott was wearing a ripped Canada shirt and ripped blue jeans, Clint wore a black long sleeved shirt and greenish colored shorts, Bob wore black shorts and a black see through shirt and Dave wore a blue hawaiian print shirt with black jeans. They started off with "Crazy" then played "Believe in Your Dreams" "Love" "I'll Be There For You" "Miss You Like Crazy" "All I Need Is You" "Misery" "I Remember" "Let Me Rock & Roll" Then once again, everybody came back on-stage and The Moffatts played "I'll Be There For You" while everyone danced around and sang along again.

During "I'll Be There For You" (the first time, not at the end of the show) someone threw a teddybear on stage and it knocked off Scott's mic. When he noticed that it was off, he looked really annoyed and he had to bend over and pick it up. He missed his "When you need somebody" solo and he had to stop playing guitar for a few chords. When Scott took off his shirt during " " and threw it into the crowd, it landed in the row in front of me. I would've put my hand in the big mob to try and grab a piece of it but these girls were biting each other for a piece of it and I didn't want to risk my fingers!! During the commercial breaks this time The Moffatts were really energetic and no longer shy. One time Clint had caught this doll and he was talking to it and responding to himself as the doll. It was really cute but Scott was giving him this look like 'Okay, I don't know you, you're crazy!' And Bob and Dave were laughing at him because he was acting kinda weird, but it was funny! Then at anither commercial break Clint got Bob to start playing "We will rock you" and him and Scott got us to sing along, but then all of a sudden Bob just stopped playing and Clint turned around and gave him a look that said 'what just happened here?' because it was kind of funny how the music just stopped! All in all it was a great concert and I can't wait to go see The Moffatts and No Authority again really soon! I got awesome pictures too and when I get them developped, I'll try to find a scanner and put some of them on my page.

If you have any questions or comments about the concerts please feel free to e-mail me!


