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The Tamiya brother's Mini 4wd page

Coolest Mini 4wd cars

Hi. Welcome to our mini 4wd site! we found that there were no sites on Tamiya's mini 4wd cars. We have 8 cool cars. Buster Sonic, 2 Beat Magnum TRFs, Gun Bluster XTO, Tiger Zap, Victory Magnum, and 2 Phantom Blade's. There are a few different series of mini 4 wd drive cars all made by tamiya. This is a cool thing to collect because there are always new cars and tune up parts which make your cars faster and turn better. You can find ideas how to modify cars by buying Co-Co magazines only in Hong Kong. The magizines come out monthly and they come with comics including a mini 4wd comic!! For further info on mini 4wd cars, visit our links!! Write in our guest book too!! Add Me! CLICK HERE TO VISIT THE WORLD 1000!

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