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Methodist Girls' Secondary School, Malacca
            School Song

            To MGS we’ll sing a song,
            You’re more than worthy of our loyalty,
            Guide of our gay and youthful days,
            Our praise and faith to you belong.

            Chorus :
            MGS, MGS, we’ll sing to you,
            Your living spirit leads us on,
            MGS, MGS, we do raise our voices,
            Pray God keep and bless you always.

            Oh, MGS yang kami puja,
            Gedung ilmu yang kami hargai,
            Gah namaMu sudah nyata,
            Kami doakan selalu.

            *Repeat Chorus

            School Philosophy

            M : Morally, physically and mentally trained students
            G : Grooming the students to be successful people
            S : Stimulating each individual towards success
            S : Supporting each student in developing their potential

            School Badge and Motto
Live Worthily / "Hidup Bernilai"

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Versi Bahasa Melayu

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