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My name is Luis Ajin. I am offering my services to you as a free-lance interpreter, or translator. I have over five years of experience in the interpreting field, including document translation, and consecutive, or simultaneous interpreting for members of the Media, the State Department and many Spanish speaking individuals needing interpreting assistance in many professional offices. If you believe that my services could be beneficial for your business, please do not hesitate in contacting me at (540) 828-3625, Eastern time, or P.O. Box 273 Bridgewater, VA 22812. I read, write and speak the Spanish and English languages. I'm fluent in the Kaqchikel language as well. Kaqchikel is one of the twenty-two Mayan languages spoken in Guatemala. Atención señores del mundo empresarial, aumente sus ganancias, a través de una traducción completa al idioma Inglés de los servicios, mercancía, o cualquier tipo de negocio que su compañía desee promover. La publicidad es una fuerza motora que aumentara sus ganancias. El mundo mercantil se encuentra ampliamente abierto. Poseo más de cinco años de experiencia en el campo de la interpretación simultanea y consecutiva. También poseo experiencia en la traducción de documentos. En la interpretación simultanea están incluidos integrantes de los Medios de Comunicación y el Departamento de Estado. En la interpretación consecutiva está incluida la clientela de oficinas juridicas, dentistas, médicos, bancos y muchas oficinas profesionales, entre ellas el Servicio de Inmigración y Naturalización (INS, por sus siglas en Inglés). Le garantizo un servicio profesional, competente, y con un precio al alcance de su presupuesto económico. INTERPRETER CODE OF ETHICS The Contracted Interpreter shall respect all confidences received in the course of interpretation. All information gained by the Interpreter in the course of his/her contracted professional assignment shall remain strictly confidential. This information shall not be communicated, published or in any way divulged to any organization or person, other than the organization or person using the services of the Interpreter. Accuracy & Completeness The Contracted Interpreter shall render, to the best of his or her ability, a complete and accurate interpretation without altering or omitting anything that is stated. Interpreter shall not add to what is said nor provide unsolicited explanation. The Contracted Interpreter shall be impartial, unbiased and shall refrain from conduct that may give an appearance of bias. He or she shall not allow personal opinions to interfere with his or her duties nor add unsolicited comments or make recommendations except to assist communication. The Contracted Interpreter shall not take personal advantage in the course of his or her work. The Contracted Interpreter shall, at all times, assess his or her ability to mantain the highest standards of interpretation. He or she shall immediately convey any reservations about his or her ability to successfully complete the assignment for the customer. The Contracted Interpreter shall decline any assignment he or she believes to be beyond his or her technical knowlege or linguistic ability. The Contracted Interpreter shall provide excellent customer service and mantain a professional demeanor, be courteous and use the tone voice appropiate to the situation.

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