Grad Ball Pics

The waterloo inn had quite a nice setup for the punch glasses and punch bowl. I was quite impressed. Here it is again, this time as seen reflected in the mirror on the ceiling... I'm so artsy.
Since I was at the waterloo inn setting up all day (well, from 1:30-4:30 or so) I figured I'd take a picture of the tables after they were set up... And to think. I only wrapped about 370 packages of mints. The room mates and I... also Geoff in front of our door. I thought it'd be funny... I think it is.
Pammy and I, gotta love Pam, she always looks so pretty. :) Lesley (My date), myself, and Caroline, don't let the spelling confuse you, it's pronounced Carolyn.
I was pleasantly surprised to see Nory there. Nory and I sang together in choir a couple of times. Here's Nory being silly... I was just catching on... Nory was also math FOC for 2001. :)
My old room mates Cara and Jeff. Good kids just getting a little dancing in. The lovely Christine, a C&D worker and funny girl. Just figured I'd snag a pic... I think she noticed.
Carolyn and Lisa fulfilling one of George's biggest fantasies.  
Carolyn and Magda sparked a horrible streak in me, I ran around for like 20 minutes getting pictures of women kissing me... It's all the mustache. Carolyn and Magda again, notice there's a little lipstick on my cheek, nice touch.


Me kissing Pammy on the cheek. Thanks to Jamie for taking these pictures for me. Pam giving me a well deserved kiss.
And another of Pam and I. Stephanie and I went to elementary school together WAAAAY back in the day and I got her to give me a little peck for the camera.


My lovely date Lesley giving it up for the camera. My friend Caroline again, a little peck for me. This girl is so smart, I have to say and very studious!
Cara giving me a kiss... The ladies love the mustache! I surprised my friend Travis a little with this picture I think. We go way back, having been in the same frosh group in 1999!
Here we have the lovely Reyna and Jen, and all it cost me was 2 drinks. Believe it or not... I got this one for free...
The "A-Math girls" Gina, Liz, and Lesley... I'm sure there are more in this little group but these are the three I see in the C&D all the time. Glenn and his date.... Unfortunately I don't know her name... They looked pretty cute together I thought.
My favorite picture of Dan from the entire night. He looks totally surprised. The woman on the right part of the picture is Paula, Dan's wife and the mother of his two kids. :) A picture of Dan, Paula, Liz, and Tyler all out on the dance floor!
Who says mathies don't know how to party? I mean really! Seriously, the floor was packed for the first 10-15 minutes.. and I mean PACKED!
The dean present the Dean Allen George award for 2004. Both Lisa and Yolanda were nominated. Yolanda won the award but both individuals efforts in volunteerism were appreciated.
The "A-Math" girls again. Here's a nice lengthwise shot of my date Lesley. What a hottie! How did I do so well? Oh yeah, a friend from back home, right.
Here I am with Lesley. We have been singing in choir together for several terms now (wow, years even) and are also taking italian together. Brian and I here, I don't know how we met but I do recall him being a co-ordinator for orientation in 2000 or 2001 with Carolyn.
Here are Carolyn and myself. She was the main force behind this event and I think it went off fairly well, a few minor glitches but all in all quite well done. :) Here we have a table of people in the back. I don't know the guy on the left but next to him is Reza, and the next guy I don't know but then on the right we have Rebecca and Mo. Rebecca was in my frosh group and the super frosh for the group.
I think this is a really good picture of Lisa and George. I'm so artsy. Rob and the back of Lesley's head. I don't know why I took this picture.
Here we have Caroline and her date... another Rob. Travis and his girlfriend Caroline (this one is actually pronounced Caroline), I hooked them up in 1B (summer of 2000) and they have been together ever since... I'm so good.
Pam and Jamie were both at my table. Aimee, my room mate Chris' girlfriend standing here with me.
Rob, Caroline, and Pat all together. And the same three again though Rob looks like he's hiding
Robyn, Nory (They're married), Katia and Alex all together at their table. And another shot just to be safe. Katia used to date my brother and was also one of my frosh leaders.
Here we have Sarah, Rahim (I hope I spelled that right), Mike, and Stephanie. Sarah and Rahim have been dating since way back and Steph and Mike have been together for about a year now if I remember correctly.
Here's a general group shot one of my social groups. Back row: Geoff, Rahim, Shital, Chris, Aimee, Mel and Kevin (making out), Myself, and Mona... Who I just met for this picture. In the front row, we have Chris, Sarah, Louis, Deep, Stephanie, and Mike.
A nice one of Travis and I. A general picture of people I don't know so the yearbook people can get some nice pictures of people I don't know.
Here I am with Alex... He lived on Lori's floor in residence, for those of you who don't know, Lori is my ex gf. Here's Mo and Rebecca again.
Killing time out front of the hotel And of course you need to take 2 pictures of everything just in case. :)