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Contact-Information for Switzerland
You are interested in the F.M. Alexander Technique?
These pages are designed to give you an idea about the Technique.
I will gladly provide you with more information:
My name is Mark Webster. 
I teach the Alexander Technique
in a very central location both in Zurich and Berne:
Why not give me a call  
on this number (Phone & Fax): (01) 242 4815


Mark Webster 
Morgartenstrasse 37 
8004 Zürich 

(When calling from outside of Switzerland please dial: ++41  1 242 4815) 

Some information about myself:  

  • I have been working as a teacher of the Alexander Technique since over 25 years.
  • I was founder president of the Swiss Society of Alexander Teachers (Schweizerischen Verbandes für Alexander Technik) (SVLAT). 
  • 1971 I completed my training in London with Peter Scott and Patrick McDonald.
  • Since 1973 I have been working at the Acting School in Zurich (Schauspielschule Zürich), where the Alexander Technique is an integral part of the training. 
  • Besides giving private lessons I have also taught the Technique at the Music School in Bern (Konservatorium für Musik, Bern) since 1979.
  • From 1979-83 I was responsible for the teachers training course in Vancouver, Canada. 
  • I am interested in a number of methods concerned with the holistic treatment of body aches and pains. Where appropriate I apply this knowledge in my Alexander Technique lessons.

For Information about the Swiss Society of Alexander Teachers (Schweizerischer Verband der Lehrerinnen und Lehrer der F.M. Alexander-Technik,  SVLAT),  
or to find out who teaches the Alexander Technique in your vicinity please contact the Society directly: 


(Schweizerischer Verband der Lehrerinnen und Lehrer der F.M. Alexander-Technik) 
8032 Zürich

Telephone: (01) 201 03 43

(when calling from outside of Switzerland please dial: ++41 1 201 03 43)

What is the Alexander Technique? 
Why the Alexander Technique? 
Quote of F.M. Alexander 
Deutsche Seiten 
 E-mail to Mark Webster