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Look: You see a Gorbesh archer. The Gorbesh archer is in good shape. It is wearing a red feathered headband, a black velvet tunic embroidered with a silver clenched fist. It is carrying nothing! Description: (Missing) Look: You see a striped badger. The striped badger is in good shape. It is wearing nothing! It is carrying nothing! Description: The badger is a sturdy, wily-looking animal, with a low, sleek body, a flat head with a slender snout full of teeth, and a set of formidable claws. Its shiny fur is striped in brown and black and white. It waddles when it walks, but can move quickly when it needs to. (North Gate, Crossing - skinnible, no treasure) Look: You see a beisswurm. The beisswurm is in good shape. It is wearing nothing! It is carrying nothing! Description: The does not seem to have the fully developed body of the lesser known adult. Long, thin and with razor sharp teeth, it slithers contentedly along the ground until it discovers its next meal. Only later in life does it grow legs and develop the ability to deliver icy breath. (skinnible, no treasure) Look: You see a black bear. The black bear is in good shape. It is wearing nothing! It is carrying nothing! Description: The black bear's hypnotic effect of swinging its head from side to side is dispelled when you realize that you have encountered a foe with sharp claws and a powerful jaw that is looking for its next meal. (Haven - skinnible, no treasure, hits hard and ruins armor) Look: You see a cave bear. The cave bear is in good shape. It is wearing nothing! It is carrying nothing! Description: The cave bear's hypnotic effect of swinging its head from side to side is dispelled when you realize that you have encountered a foe with sharp claws and a powerful jaw that is looking for its next meal. (Stone Clan - skinnible, no treasure, hits hard and ruins armor, tend to swarm) Look: You see a wild boar. The wild boar is in good shape. It is wearing nothing! It is carrying nothing! Description: Standing on four legs the wild boar is small. It clearly views you as an enemy. (North-East Gate Crossing, Haven, Shard - skinnible, no treasure, next step up from hogs) Look: You see a bobcat. The bobcat is in good shape. It is wearing nothing! It is carrying nothing! Description: The bobcat is poised, graceful, and appears to be at ease yet ready to spring. It fixes its golden eyes on you, and you are mesmerized for a moment, yet your instincts scream to submission by looking away first. Finally the bobcat turns his attention elsewhere, looking bored by the encounter. Yet you are certain it will mark your every move with a wariness it does not show. (West Gate Crossing - skinnible, no treasure) Look: You see a small boggle. The small boggle is in good shape. It is wearing a hooded cloak. It is carrying a short sword, a target shield. Description: Thin and dark black in color, the small boggle is a member of the Fae, its body composed seemingly of sticks and stones, its head round and bulbous and quite out of proportion with the rest of it. Perhaps the imagery that comes to mind when you gaze upon the foul mischief-maker is that of a rotten gourd ready to burst stuck onto the top of a beanpole with stick-like arms and legs and joints of pebbles. Known for its malicious tendencies -- including leading children or sheep into wells or spoiling milk before it has left the cow's udders -- the boggle is notorious for practical jokes that leave the victim confused, frustrated, and frequently dead. Look: You see a great grey boobrie. The great grey boobrie is in good shape. It is wearing nothing! It is carrying nothing! Description: Boobries are huge flightless heron-like birds, half again as tall as a human. Not content to eat worms and bugs, they prefer stabbing their victims with their vicious beaks. Through them, they suck out the juices, leaving a dried-out husk for the few desperate scavengers that will even approach such a sorry sight. One imagines it to be a very slow and painful death. Even a sluagh thinks twice about messing with a boobrie. (Haven - skinnible, no treasure) Look: You see a brown burrower. The brown burrower is in good shape. It is wearing nothing! It is carrying nothing! Description: The burrower is a large insectile shape. Perhaps as big as a small Halfling. It runs about rapidly on many jointed legs. Colored a muck brown, its carapace glistens with a repulsive sheen. A large head, in which a quartet of enormous, multi-facted eyes refract all light into coldly glinting shards, is armed with a brace of wickedly serrated mandibles. A tiny mouth ringed with dozens of wriggling palps like boneless fingers serves to manipulate the grotesque fragments of flesh that it dines upon. The two front legs have been turned into fighting weapons, edged with hooks and jagged serrations curling back towards the waiting mandibles. Above all rises a horrid stink of indescribable rot and foulness. A reek that reminds you of an opened cesspit or a charnel house. (Tiger Clan Crossing - skinnible, hits hard, not recommended for low lvl players) Look: You see a cougar. The cougar is in good wearing nothing! It is carrying nothing! Description: The cougar has a powerful body that is all sinewy muscle, a perfect hunting and killing machine. Its short tan coat looks rough and dull from years in the wilds. Dark luminous eyes stare at you hypnotically. (Wolf Clan Crossing, Haven, Leth -skinnible, no treasure, good for players at lvl 3 or 4) Look: The crab has many jointed legs on which it scuttles about at a great rate. A heavily-armored carapace, perhaps the size of a small shield, covers the foul creature and presents a difficult target. It constantly waves two huge claws, each as long as a short sword, armed with serrated edges that could easily tear a hand or foot off of even a large victim. Two tiny eyes on thin, flexible stalks give this unwholesome beast a surprising range of sight and makes it not easily avoided. An aura of fierce rage, causing it to regard anything living as a threat, completes the deadly picture. Description: Supported on multiple legs the salt crab is small. Its eyes blaze with a burning hatred, unfocused but entirely maelevolent. (East Gate Haven - skinnible, no treasure, swarms) Look: The crayfish has many jointed legs on which it scuttles about at a great rate. A heavily-armored carapace, perhaps the size of a small shield, covers the foul creature and presents a difficult target. It constantly waves two huge claws, each as long as a short sword, armed with serrated edges that could easily tear a hand or foot off of even a large victim. Two tiny eyes on thin, flexible stalks give this unwholesome beast a surprising range of sight and makes it not easily avoided. An aura of fierce rage, causing it to regard anything living as a threat, completes the deadly picture. Description: Supported on multiple legs the scarlet crayfish is small. Its eyes blaze with a burning hatred, unfocused but entirely maelevolent. (West Gate Haven - skinnble, no treasure, swarms) Look: You see a blue-belly crocodile. The blue-belly crocodile is in good shape. It is wearing nothing! It is carrying nothing! Description: Standing on four legs the blue-belly crocodile is humanoid size. It is obviously agressive and looking for a fight. (Haven Ferry Crossing Side - skinnable, no treasure, hits hard) Look: You see a cutthroat. The cutthroat is in good shape. It is wearing some mail gloves, a chain shirt. It is carrying a broadsword, an oval shield. Description: Like so many people who moved to Shard in the hopes of acquiring a new dream and a new life, the cutthroat is one of many who failed, having little choice but to take up the life of common scum just to get by in the world. From the way she eyes your money pouch, however, you're not sure exactly how much pity you can dish out to this person. After all, the cutthroat >did< make the decision to live her life this way...right? (Under-Shard - not skinnible, treasure) Look: You see an elba Darvager. The elba Darvager is in good shape. It is wearing nothing! It is carrying a war mattock. Description: The elba Darvager is a queer creature, a product of some ill union between insect and dwarf. It looks like an over-muscled dwarf except for an extra set of long black "legs" that dangle from its midsection and a smooth, charcoal colored shell that shields its flesh body. A great horn grows out from the top of the shell, perhaps to scare off other beasts. (Invasion Critter - skinnible, carries coins, VERY dangerous, advise you to keep clear of them) Look & Description: No more than eighteen inches long, this grass eel has a nasty disposition entirely out of proportion with its size. In fact it looks more like a green bootlace than anything else. The eel more than makes up in speed and agility what it lacks in strength, however, and a score of bites from a score of grass eels would not be a pleasant experience. (West Gate Crossing - skinnible, swarms, very easy, good for skinning exp) Look: You see a faenrae executioner. The faenrae executioner is in good shape. It is wearing a chain shirt. It is carrying a notched wooden shield, a notched black broadsword. Desciption: Like so many people who moved to The Crossing in the hopes of acquiring a new dream and a new life, the executioner is one of many who failed, having little choice but to take up the life of common scum just to get by in the world. From the way he eyes your money pouch, however, you're not sure exactly how much pity you can dish out to this person. After all, the executioner >did< make the decision to live his life this way...right? (Special/Invasion Critter - have never seen them, my guess is, skinnible, carries treasure) Look: You see a tipsy Fae. She is wearing some delicate sky blue slippers, a silvery sash, a bright blue frock. She is carrying a fine Elven blade. Description: Small and shy, the tipsy Fae is a beautiful creature with bright eyes and sparkling gossamer wings. (Special/Invasion Critter - since i've never seen one, nor has anyone else, i'm guess they're like sprites, not skinnible, carries treasure) Look: You see a Dragon Priest fanatic. The Priest fanatic is in good shape. It is wearing a full leather helm, a leather reinforced aventail, a leather coat. It is carrying a broadsword, some reinforced gloves. Description: The fanatic is one of the members of the order of worshippers dedicated to the World Dragon. Unlike the gentler, earlier members of the fringe cult who sought to appease the Dragon with offerings of flowers and wine, the fanatic is of the sect that preferred to sacrifice small children as well as whole villages in the name of waking rather than appeasing the great devourer. Eyes filled with a crazed light and hands trembling with the need to kill, the fanatic's bloody practices leave them without a vestige of the sanity normal mortals contain. (Invasion Critter - not skinnible, no treasure) Look: You see a footpad. The footpad is in good shape. It is wearing some mail gloves, a chain shirt. It is carrying a broadsword, an oval shield. Description: Like so many people who moved to Shard in the hopes of acquiring a new dream and a new life, the footpad is one of many who failed, having little choice but to take up the life of common scum just to get by in the world. From the way she eyes your money pouch, however, you're not sure exactly how much pity you can dish out to this person. After all, the footpad >did< make the decision to live her life this way...right? (Under-Shard - not skinnible, treasure) Look: You see a bony fylgja. the bony fylgja is in good shape. It is wearing nothing! It is carrying a battle axe. Description: The bony fylgja is barely more than a skeleton, and it appears as a pale sharp-featured man, with a grin on its skin-and-bone face, and a ready axe slung above its shoulder. (Invasion Critter - not skinnable, treasure) Look: You see a granite gargoyle. The granite gargoyle is in good shape. It is wearing nothing! It is carrying nothing! Description: Composed of rock, the gargoyle is a statue come to life at the hand of an ambitious mage. Mostly irate at the world and grumbling to itself about anything from the state of the Elven nation to the weather, the gargoyle does not look so much inclined to fight as it is to curl up in a corner and look frightening. Still, it knows its task as a protector of its creator's domain, and will do its best to keep invaders from treading on its turf. (Shard - skinnible, treasure, hits hard) Look: You see a ring-necked gidii. The ring-necked gidii is in good shape. It is wearing nothing! It is carrying nothing! Description: One of the many flightless birds which inhabit this particular area, the bird is typically smelly, unkempt, awkward and ugly. This one is definitely typical. (North Gate Crossing - skinnible, no treasure) Look: You see a field goblin. The field goblin is in good shape. It is wearing a hooded cloak. It is carrying a short sword, a target shield. Description: Standing on two legs the field goblin is somewhat small, like a dwarf. It looks passive but wary. (West Gate Crossing, Shard - skinnable, carries coinage and boxes, very easy) Look: You see a wildland goblin. The wildland goblin is in good shape. It is wearing some leather greaves, a hooded cloak. It is carrying a carving knife. Description: Standing on two legs the wildland goblin is somewhat small, like a dwarf. It looks passive but wary. (North-East Gate Haven - skinnible, treasure, boxes) Look: You see a small grendel. The small grendel is in good shape. It is wearing a leather coat, an ordinary shield. It is carrying a war hammer. Description: About five feet in height and a light pink color, a small grendel is a humanoid creature with short, upright ears, small eyes that resemble black beads, and an upturned snout for a nose. Perpetually hungry, the small grendel searches endlessly for food, sometimes dining on tubers, but often craving soft meat. (North-East Gate Crossing - skinnable, carries coins and boxes*Only appear at night*) Look: You see a corpse grub. The corpse grub is in good shape. It is wearing nothing! It is carrying nothing! Description: The grub is not so much a grub as a bloated sack of formless jelly. It extrudes long pseudopods across the ground to move, dragging itself along or rising up to climb. The color of wet liver, the hide looks slimy and almost greasy. Perhaps the size of a halfling, it has no visible sense organs or exremities. (West Gate Crossing - causes skin causes rash is skinned, no treasure) Look: You see a rock guardian. The rock guardian is in good shape. It is wearing nothing! It is carrying nothing! Description: Standing on two legs the rock guardian is big. It is obviously agressive and looking for a fight. (don't get anything except tons of EXP, stay FAR away from these) Look: You see a musk hog. The musk hog is in good shape. It is wearing nothing! It is carrying nothing! (skinnible, no treasure, next thing up from rats) Description: The musk hog has a scruffy, squat body that is brownish-gray. An unpleasant odor hovers around the beast. You can make out tiny bugs (maybe fleas?) hopping around on its dirty coat. Its broad, flat snout is constantly twitching. Look: You see a wind hound. The wind hound is in good shape. It is wearing nothing (but then, it IS an animal)! It is carrying nothing! Description: Much larger than normal canines, the wind hound stands as tall as a mature Halfling at the shoulder. Its body is an odd composition of howling winds the color of murky icewater, packed tightly into the vague form of a wolf hound with glowing red eyes. While its body may be nothing but violent air currents, its teeth and claws are real enough, and look willing and ready to rend anything that steps in its path! (isn't skinnable, doesn't carry treasure, a general pest, follows reavers) Look: You see an Inkhorne. The Inkhorne is in good shape. It is wearing nothing! It is carrying nothing! Description: Standing on four legs the Inkhorne is big. It appears passive. (not skinnible, no treasure, DO not kill these animals) Look: You see a black-backed jackal. The black-backed jackal is in good shape. It is wearing nothing! It is carrying nothing! Description: Lean and covered with short fur, the black-backed jackal is a predatorial beast of the canine family. Wolfish in nature and greatly exagerrated for its cowardly tendancies, the jackal roams its territory looking for leftover carrion or weaker living prey to savage and consume for its daily meals. (skinnble, no treasure, pelts are worth more then golden and side-striped jackals) Look: You see a golden jackal. The golden jackal is in good shape. It is wearing nothing! It is carrying nothing! Description: Lean and covered with short fur, the golden jackal is a predatorial beast of the canine family. Wolfish in nature and greatly exagerrated for its cowardly tendancies, the jackal roams its territory looking for leftover carrion or weaker living prey to savage and consume for its daily meals. (skinnble, no treasure) Look: You see a side-striped jackal. The side-striped jackal is in good shape. It is wearing nothing! It is carrying nothing! Description: Lean and covered with short fur, the side-striped jackal is a predatorial beast of the canine family. Wolfish in nature and greatly exagerrated for its cowardly tendancies, the jackal roams its territory looking for leftover carrion or weaker living prey to savage and consume for its daily meals. (skinnble, no treasure) Look: You see a glutinous lipopod. The glutinous lipopod is in good shape. It is wearing nothing! It is carrying nothing! Description: The glutinous lipopod is a massive worm which normally spends its time in the waters of large lakes. It ventures onto land only when seeking nourishment. Lipopod have been known to decimate the living organism counts in bodies of water, but fortunately can only survive in brackish or tainted environments. Having a basic, worm-like form, these milky, nearly-transparent creatures absorb their food through osmosis. They can wrap their bodies around their prey and literally digest them through their epidermis. With no real eyes, nose or mouth, their skin has evolved into one massive sensory unit. Their pea-sized brains are located in the forward-leading part of their bodies. The various irregularties on their skin, which you might call nodules, ooze a thick, smelly slime which is quite caustic. In the water, this slime protects their bodies in the cold depths, but on land, it does little more than burn the ground like a strong acid. Despite a lack of vocal cords, the glutinous lipopod manages to emit a primitive, high-pitched squealing sound. It does this by manipulating several small portions of its body into air pockets, which it then squeezes with a kind of shivering motion. All in all, it's a pretty disgusting and goopy creature. (doesn't leave anything, a big waste of time) Look: You see a giant black leucro. The black leucro is in good shape. It is wearing nothing! It is carrying nothing! Description: Jet black and looking very much like a giant wolf, the black leucro is half as tall as a normal sized human. Its eyes burn with a fire that suggests that it is more than an overgrown wolf. Something otherwordly seems to burn within its soul. Though often appearing in large groups, it seems to move with an independence that seems to go beyond the pack mentality of normal wolves. Perhaps that is for the best since you are almost certain that if they learned or desired to act in unison, you would be dead now. (is skinnible, carries treasure, very tough) Look: You see a crazed madman. The crazed madman is in good shape. It is wearing nothing! It is carrying a short sword. Description: Standing on two legs the crazed madman is humanoid size. Its eyes blaze with a burning hatred, unfocused but entirely maelevolent. (not skinnible, carries treasure, fairly easy, next thing up from goblins) Look: You see a Gorbesh mage. The Gorbesh mage is in good shape. It is wearing some reinforced greaves, a studded black leather coat emblazoned with a fisted silver gauntlet on the right sleeve. It is carrying nothing! Description: (Missing) Look: You see a gypsy marauder. The gypsy marauder is in good shape. It is wearing a cloak, a chain shirt. It is carrying a hunting sword, an ordinary shield. Description: Cavalier, dashingly-dressed and filled with the wild blood of the gypsy, the marauder cuts an impressive figure despite his penchant for murder and mayhem. (not skinnible, carries coins) Look: You see a moss mey. The moss mey is in good shape. It is wearing a silvery woven-leaf gown. It is carrying nothing! Description: The mey smiles tauntingly, as her pale luminosity shimmers in the misty light. Her tangled hair and slender figure have a bit of the greenish-grey hue of the trees and mist, and she herself does not appear completely real and solid.

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