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Links and more info. about Trinidad


Hi, how're you? I was told that I should put more info on my first page, but no suggestions on what to put, so while I think of stuff to put, please feel free to read the following interesting facts about Trinidad, the country where I"m from...these are both some well known and not so well known facts...

(1) Trinidad is one of the islands in the twin island state of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago

(2) Trinidad is the lowest Caribbean island in the archipelago of the West Indies. It is right next to Venezuela which is in South America.

(3) Trinidad is 10 degrees N latitude of the equator, so for those of u who think it's in the Southern Hemisphere (or as I've gotten "the other half of the world) we're actually not.

(4) On a clear day in Trinidad you can see Venezuela from the Western coast of the island....I'm not sure but I think u may be able to see Tobago from Toco which is in the NE side of the island.

(5) Trinidad was the first Caribbean island to have's in our history...I'll put the history of Carnival onto this page a little later.

(6) The steelpan, the only musical instrument invented in the 20th Century, was created here in Trinidad by Winston "Spree" Simon I think it was ... I have to check that name for you.

The guy in the pic isn't the inventor of the steelpan by the way.

(7) Trinidad was once called the "Rainbow Country" by the Reverend Tutu due to the amount of different races, religions and cultures that live there in harmony ...ok ok I know that sentence was bad english..I'm from Trindad...wha' yuh go do?

(8) WHEN there was a bowling alley in Trinidad (for those Trinis who remember it was in Gulf City in the southland) it was the only bowling alley in the least at that time.

(9) The Savannah in Port of Spain (POS is the capital city of Trinidad) is the biggest roundabout in the world...

(10) In the West Indies there is a university (surprise for those of u who didn't know it) called UWI (University of the West Indies...hmmm I wonder why..)

It has campuses on 3 different islands. The different campuses specialise in different fields...the one in Jamaica is known for its Medical faculty...the one in Barbados is known for its Law faculty...the one in Trinidad is known for its Engineering Faculty. Trinidad also has a medical school located in the Eric Williams Medical Complex...a.k.a. Mt. Hope....Oh..and just by the side, there's another university, St. George's...I think it's in Grenada...

(11)For those of you who freak out about bats in your's an interesting one...Trinidad has the most variety of bats in the world!!!!

(12)Yes there are Chinese people in Trinidad (and the rest of the Caribbean too!!)

(13)Ditto for Indians, Jews, Syrians, French, Italians......

(do u like my drawings? sorry not too good at drawing on the computer)

(14)Trinidadians have a thing about where they live...whether they're in South or North or East or West...I'm from South :)

(15) Trinidad is the country with the most public holidays in the world (sorry I'm struggling for facts now..trying to remember...think my brain is dying...)

That's all I can remember right please please please sign my guestbook thanks!! :)

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