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Welcome To The Jungle Baby !!

Here is some visual stimuli to make us homesick "natives" (Yeah Right !!) feel a little worse, and for all others to see what we miss so much. If you have good quality pictures of Trini or any happenings there, send them to me and I'll post them. Look forward to picture competitions and themes coming soon.Winners will receive a free Carib.

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Right Click on the new image then Save.

This is a great picture of a coconut tree that I photographed in Maracas.
This is at the bar on the left before you reach Maracas. The beer here ain't cold enough. Great view though.
This a shot of Pigeon Point in Tobago. The picture was taken from the a glass bottom boat.
This is at Store Bay in Tobago. Actually a rather nice beach in the central tourist vicinity.
Another picture of Store Bay. Dunno who the crsipy fried is on the beach.
I found this picture on the internet. Your guess is as good as mine ..... I think this range is visible when leaving town.

Well Das it for now. Things like this take a lot of wok so please check back frequently. The site may not be fully functional as it is still in the startup phase. So ..... 'til den, have a cold nut on me.