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CAD/CAM project
Last updated 25/03/1998

This page is maintained by George Louca

Dear reader,

This project that you are about to read deals with the interconnection of CAD (Computer Integrated Design) with CAM (Computer Integrated Manufacturing). This task took many years to come to the level that it rests today. I will not mumble any longer with introductions. You will find everything you need in the following pages.In addition to the whole overview of CAD and CAM the link between this two was achieved by a customization procedure of Autocad R12. where a computer was linked to a CNC lathe and actually made this CAD/CAM link.

I hope you enjoy visiting this page

"Development of a simple CAD/CAM post processor"
  Inside the project
This page is curently under construction

Visited since 13/03/1998

Please feel free to submit any comments or questions
Text - Copyright © 1998 George Louca
Web Layout - Copyright © 1998 George Louca
All rights reserved