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Katie's Diabetes Page

Answers about diabetes

What is Diabetes?
Using Insulin!
What is and how to treat hypoglycaemia!

My Story

Hi my name is Katie. I'm a newly diagnosed type 1 diabetic. This was discovered on January the 25th 1998, after long bouts of thirst and generally feeling unwel. One day my mother (Ellen) and I took a trip down to the Austin hospital, in Heidelberg, Victoria ,Australia at about 10:00am Sunday morning and was told it could be a five-hour wait. I didn't even want to wait five minutes. After sitting there for three hours while eating from the automatic food machines and basically drinking the hospitals whole water supply *giggles*, they finally called my name. I was taken into a small room where the sister got out this machine (glucometer)and tested blood from my finger tips for what reason, I didn't know! The sister looked at both my mother and I and said "it's 40". 40! what was 40? my weight,40kg?, 40km? However, now I know it was my blood sugar level,(bsl). Then the word I dreaded came from her mouth, "diabetes" I thought hell! I couldn't have it, I couldn't even spell it, that only happens to other people and not me. I couldn't believe I had diabetes. I was taken to another room where tubes and needles were pushed and injected into my arms and I felt like a big brick wall had just hit me from nowhere. The doctors told my mother and I that I would have to stay in hospital for 6 nights. After staying there for a night, I soon realized that I could either stay in a hole and say "why me? why me?" or I could stand up and say, "hey! I have diabetes but I am going to live a much healthier and happier life!".

Many thanks

I would just like to say thanks alot to my family and friends who have supported and helped me get through this small battle and many more that i have encounted since i have had diabetes. Also thanks to everyone that came and visted me in the hospital i dont think i ever had a lonely mintue during my time there. Thanks for all the many beautiful flowers ,presents and encouging letters, they would make me smile everytime i felt down, but all this wouldn't have been as easy if i didn't have you all. Thanks again xoxoxoxoxoxxoxoxxo Katie

Special Events In Melbourne for diabetics

WALK FOR THE CURE: You can help cure diabetes just by going for a walk......

Over 800.000 Australians suffer from diabetes; Thousands of who are insulin-dependent children and teenages. People with juvenile diabetes need up to 4 injections for insulin every day for the rest of their lives, just to stay alive. Diabetes is one of the leading cause of death by disease in Australia. Reseachers believe that a cure is in sight however, you can help find it by particpating in the juvenile diabetes foundation's WALK FOR THE CURE. The primary objective of WALK FOR THE CURE is to raise funds for medical reseach that will ultimately find a cure for diabetes. The highly successful campaign generated $1.52 million for Australia diabetes research in 1997. WALK FOR THE CURE is much more than just a walk. it's a great day for everyone, so why not form a team with your family, friends and work colleagues, and come along to enjoy the carnival atmosphere. You'll feel great knowing that you're helping thousands of young Australias on their way to a life free injections and complications. This will be held on October 18th. E-mail me if you want more information or:::

Call 1300 363 126 for more information

Come back soon for more events to help support juvenile diabetes :)

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This Is Just Outta Control.....© 1997, Marty Fancher/KeyTrax Productions Inc.
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Ringmaster: Mark Fitzsimmons
